I have a home network setup. I have the modem of my fiber connection which can be connected to with either wifi or lan. I also have another router connected in another room which is connected to the modem via lan.
I have a PC connected directly to the moden via lan. I have an Oculus Quest 2 connected to the modem via Wifi.
I am creaing a VR app using Unity. And I am using an app on windows called RenderDoc.
RenderDoc runs a server, not sure where... maybe on windows I guess. Then I can also launch my app that is installed on the Quest 2, from the renedr doc app. RenderDoc use several ports.
I am getting the following log from RenderDoc
RDOC 031360: [13:37:08] android_tools.cpp( 321) - Log - COMMAND: C:\Users\97254\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\platform-tools\adb.exe '-s 1WMHH847XT1184 shell "getprop ro.product.manufacturer"'
RDOC 031360: [13:37:08] streamio.cpp( 421) - Warning - Error reading from socket
RDOC 031360: [13:37:08] remote_server.cpp(1196) - Warning - Didn't get proper handshake
RDOC 031360: [13:37:08] streamio.cpp( 421) - Warning - Error reading from socket
RDOC 031360: [13:37:08] remote_server.cpp(1196) - Warning - Didn't get proper handshake
I am guessing my modem/router is preventing this communication. But what exactly do I need to do? And in a safe manner? Should I port forward? Or what exactly?