Ive set to write an implementation for the Dijkstra pathfinding algorithm. It
s a wip so please have patience with me. Im going to try not to use containers (Standard Template Library vector etc.).
I will use the same array to store both visited and unvisited nodes. I know this will make the algorithm slow because I will have to traverse the entire array each time. Also Im not going to hold the nodes in structures. I
m going to keep several arrays of the same dimension, one array for each structure member. I do all this because I find it easier going this route.
arbm and arim are arrays enveloped in a class. I did this wrapping to make the array safer to use.
container = new int[800];
csize = 800;
container = new bool[800];
csize = 800;
void arbm::Init(int contside)
side = contside;
void arim::Init(int contside)
side = contside;
bool arbm::G(int x, int z)
if(side > -1)
if((z * side + x < csize)&&(z * side + x > -1 ))
return container[z * side + x];
void arbm::S(int x, int z, bool value)
if(side > -1)
if((z * side + x < csize)&&(z * side + x > -1 ))
container[z * side + x] = value;
void arim::S(int x, int z, int value)
if(side > -1)
if((z * side + x < csize)&&(z * side + x > -1 ))
container[z * side + x] = value;
bool arbm::G(int index)
if(index < csize)
return container[index];
int arim::G(int index)
if(index < csize)
return container[index];
return -1;