
d3d11 cannot update constant buffer among drawing multiple render targets

Started by October 18, 2021 06:19 PM
0 comments, last by keiseisakura 3 years, 4 months ago

im implementing cascaded shadow map and using Texture2DArray as DSV to render the scene multiple times with different cbuffer sets, but turns out the cbuffer updating always refer to the latest updating command and the whole four Texture2DArray slices are rendered as the same, i've try the code that start a normal loop which set the cbuffer then draw the scene, and after the loop set the cbuffer again with some constant values , it turns out it always follow the out-of-loop set, so im pretty sure it is the cbuffer cannot be send to the GPU immediately when i map-update-unmap them

i've try the ID3D11DeviceContext1::Flush() command everywhere but the issue still remains.

appreciate any help!

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