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For future reference/ if others ever want to try this out 🙂
I fixed the near plane, which is now a weighted average of the quads that are facing the camera. Here's the (not yet optimized) code:
std::vector<CR_VECTOR4> CMathHelper::CreateOccluderPlanes(const CR_VECTOR3 &pCameraPos, const CR_…
Wanted to follow up with some updates that others may find of interest.
On the subject of “de-saturating” my pixel shader color/lighting calculations/accumulations, I did encounter one nasty little bug that presented itself in non-obvious ways, and this dealt specifically with alpha. The short of it…
Don't mean to necro this thread, but wanted to update with another subtle gotcha that may be of interest to those doing a similar upgrade. I've been working on migrating to HDR rendering, and have thusly implemented such (float render target, color grading, tonemapping, etc.). This all …