After finishing my course I was a little lost of what to do (naturally) and I think the sort of work I would like to be doing is working on games / products that allow me to work productivly and creativly. I have a huge affinity for 2D games since that seems to be my forte. I have a bit of an odd situation where I'm currently moving around a lot so finding an entry level job on site is a bit difficult and therefore my only options seem to be remote positions.
I believe my quallifications, experience and portfolio put me in a good position. I've had experience working on many different platforms (except consoles thus far) and have worked on AAA games that are now published. I left university with a first class honours and a whole swathe of software projects / games on my portfolio.
I didn't really enjoy my time with the AAA products as they didn't make me feel productive in any way. This could possibly be because I was porting these products to other platforms and didn't really have an impact on any creative process. It is also really slow since I'm looking at code-complete projects that I need to essentially bodge to work on a new platform.
The ideal situation would be to work on a personal game and be able to attain funding for it, but that is not realistically achievable in the sort term. So I think the sort of role I'm looking for is a remote position as one of a few programmers working on a funded indie game.
So my question is, does anyone have advice on either finding a team such as this or whether I'm realistic in finding something like this coming fresh out of university?