Interesting article about fb visions and plans:
Seems they'll pump a lot of money and seek for collaboration, after realizing they can't build a giant Titanic alone. Opportunity for Meatverse devs… ; )
One problem i see with asset portability is the danger to get stuck at outdated / inefficient standards.
If we settle on current state of the art, we probably get something like skinned meshes with skeletons and discrete LODs, plus some PBS standard materials and texture conventions. That's a problem on all ends:
Triangles may at some point turn out inefficient. Point clouds, voxels, or whatever else may become better if detail levels increase further.
Matrix or quaternion skinning can not model accurate anatomy features such as sliding skin, deforming muscles etc. There is little work on alternatives yet, but current standard of addressing worst cases with extra bones can't fix this and lacks common conventions about procedural bone animations. An exchangeable format for HQ characters would need support for programmable procedural animation.
Discrete LODs is no general solution to LOD at all. Epics Nanite is closest, but still too specific and restricted to define a common standard.
Now, til yet we were not able to solve those problems. Even not as we use custom engines, which makes custom solutions possible.
How will a Metaverse, spanning multiple engines and / or some common web standard, be able to allow still further progress on those essential building sites?
My guess: It simply wont. They (or we) will get stuck in bad standards, leading to low quality content lagging behind.
We already see this happening with current HW raytracing as an example: RT APIs blackbox BVH, and effectively prevent further progress towards any potential general LOD solution. Short sighted decisions to help GPU manufacturers for an easy start turn into innovation blockers, preventing progress for years if not decades. I guess the same will happen on the trial to have a global Metaverse, at a much larger scale.
And that's just about the obvious and easy things. If we start to discuss character animation regarding interactions with an unknown environment, it's clear abstract and simplified solutions on the level of Minecraft or Roblox is all we can expect, while true immersion remains out of reach. We can not even solve those problems well within a single game, not depending on any conventions. So how should we make any progress with that burden of low standards and conventions on top? Impossible. Thus the Metaverse will not give us HQ games, but the opposite.
But well, that's not really what the big companies want to deliver at all. They will offload the problem to content creators, and just hope the content is good enough entertainment to attract people spending some time outside of ‘daily work and life in the Metaverse’.
What may help them is chip crisis. As it looks now, next gen gaming in form of PS5 or RTX is simply too expensive to be mainstream, so the problem may solve itself with the extinction of console and PC gaming, and there wont be any competing higher standard anymore.
However, all of this is ignored. Instead working on the actual problems, we have a hype about blockchain. Which is presented as next big thing and opportunity, although it does not even address or solve any problem at all. We also see EA or UbiSoft investing into blockchain. Game to earn. WTF? Blockchain in form of mining has already destroyed PC platfrom, and they propose what? Ingame mining as a new feature? While i wait for just a single AAA game worth to spend more than 30 mins on for years?
It's crazy. The whole tech industry actually looks like a big bubble. Nipping champaign on Titanic and innovating marketing promises but nothing else to keep the ball rolling.