
Unreal engine 5 trailer, think unity and cryengine have a chance?

Started by March 31, 2021 07:29 PM
4 comments, last by Gnollrunner 3 years, 11 months ago


i watched again the trailer for unreal engine 5 and what they want to include.

Is anything of what they do soon to be released for unity or cryengine?

It seems nobody can compete in graphics with the unreal engine what do you think?

Shouldn't be a big problem for unity but a massive problem for cryengine.

Chrronos said:
Shouldn't be a big problem for unity but a massive problem for cryengine.

Why should it be easier for one of those?

If such high detail is practical, likely anybody will do it.

Much more interesting is the question how DXR should support this.

We would need dynamic BVH to handle LOD, and option to stream BVH from storage IMO.

Should be much easier for AMD than for NV, as their missing fixed function traversal could turn out an advantage. (To add some assumptions from my side : )


Chrronos said:
It seems nobody can compete in graphics with the unreal engine what do you think?

… a massive problem for cryengine.

Is this what you meant by "think unity and cryengine have a chance" in the thread title? Those other engines aren't going to suddenly die just because UE5 looks different and new. I doubt devs all over the world are thinking of jumping ship from a familiar engine because a competing engine releases a new version. Or are you just saying “wow, UE5's graphics are the best, let's all watch the trailer and cheer” because if so, this looks like a marketing post, to somehow push UE5 or drive traffic to a YouTube channel or a review site. Sorry if I sound suspicious, but we get a lot of SEO attempts here (always from newcomers). Also, this thread is moving to the Lounge since it's just commentary on a trailer, perhaps with the intent being to get another needless “which is the best engine” argument going.

-- Tom Sloper --

Unity's niche is “easy to use, with a huge surrounding ecosystem”. That advantage isn't going away just because Unreal is about to be (further) ahead in graphics.

Cryengine seems to be a distant third in terms of popularity with not much going for it except for graphics, so they might be in trouble in the long term if they can't keep up with Unreal. But we're talking long term, so there's plenty of time for Cryengine to catch up. Nobody is going to switch engine mid-project just because a competing engine has released a new version.

I'm just waiting for an engine that supports 64 bit coordinates. Until that happens I will continue to work in Direct X

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