tomater said:
For some reason this web site takes forever to load for me, even though I am on fiber optics internet connection. You may consider change hosting provider, I guess.
Yes, I think this is because of a shared hosting plan. The speed varies from time to time.
Another point from general site building point of view - your main page does not call to any action. Just a nice art, that is it. Art is nice, btw, and overall aesthetics is good. However, ever web site has a goal. You most likely have a goal to gather user for your future game. So why don't you offer them to follow your project in social networks for example, so they can get news from you when such as product launch?
Well, there's a mailing list sign up at the bottom (which isn't active yet), but I should probably add a facebook page and a twitter account.
roatikos said:
man i'm so sorry if i hurt you i was underweather that day and when i am underweather i say wolrds i dont whant to say
No worries, you didn't hurt my feelings. I didn't even make the site myself. I'm here looking for criticism of the site. Even harsh criticism doesn't bother me, but it's gotta be constructive. “This site is ugly” doesn't help, but if it's: “This page is ugly, because this image here is too pixely, etc..” does.
2 you can put a download early acces button
The game is still in a prototypical stage, so I'm not distributing copies.