Im working on a multiplayer game, The game is mostly complete and were at a stage were were doing a weekly playtest sessions with some friends etc, soon I want to start getting more people to help with playtesting (or just to play in general).
I am currently hosting it on some relatively cheap VM but the response times doesn't feel great (it has realtime RTS like combat), something I noted was that sometimes actions register almost immediately and sometimes it takes up to what feels like half a second which makes me believe the VM is at fault due to how it divides CPU time). I want to move to a dedicated server to see if its going to be better (I'm almost certain it would be since i've seen this happen in the past as well, although I was hoping that VM's have perhaps become better in that regard than they were 10 years ago, or perhaps this particular provider just oversells they're resources).
Now as I started looking for a dedicated server provider I noticed that both google and amazon have some kind of “scaling game server platform” solution were they are promising performance and the best possible latency from all over the world, and also a whole bunch of other features that I don't care about (or at least not at this point…)
My question is. Can anyone give me some insight into google/amazons solutions? or otherwise recommend a good provider for getting a dedicated server for gaming (we'll I'm pretty sure any of the big providers would be fine but maybe someone has some more insights) or even a provider that offers good VM's that are reputable as good for hosting Realtime game servers.