Well I installed BOX2D and SFML. Box2 seems really nice but I have problems, there is no much tutorials that can help me say hello to that interesting libary. I tried today write something but I had a problems with synchronize SFML sprite with BOX2 body, and yes I know that in BOX2D we dont use pixels but meters, but I still have no idea.
So I found one pretty good tutorial, but its old and it doesnt work.
I stuck in the part: res->SetUserData(shape);, Visual studio says there is no func SetUserData, and also
sf::Shape* shape = static_cast<sf::Shape*>(body->GetUserData()); there is problem with casting, Can someone with more experince tell me how to fix it, or can you recommend me any good tutorials to do it? That one looks pretty good but its old and doesnt work, I want to know how to synchronize that all elements like sprites and box2d bodys to implement it later to my game, that way looked professional but its outdated.