
Update "Trap" 0.10.0 | Devlog #13 |"The Colosseum"

Started by December 04, 2020 09:24 AM
0 comments, last by MissingTheMoon 3 years, 9 months ago

Welcome everyone, we are working on a fast paced 2D roguelike. You fight in a futuristic colosseum as a samurai while hyping up the crowd to get more gold.

We finally finished this update and now move on to 0.10.0! We added a lot of traps and obstacles to bring live into the paths between the rooms.
These traps and obstacles are inspired by platformer and add a brand new layer of skill to the game.
Last update a lot of you been worried that the paths became harder than the rooms. I heard you!

So whats new?

This update I changed the difficulty by finishing the traps. They used to just damage you but now you can destroy electric gates and the statue. You can also reflects it projectiles back at it.

Now it is a lot easier to traverse safely and slow through paths. But if you want to make sure you keep the hype alive, you better go fast!

But even more than just destroying them, you can now block their damage! The collision System was overworked for that! With that you are now invincible during your power moves (Dragon Strike, Roll and Tatsumaki) inside the paths. This was supposed to be like this from the start, just took some time to do everything.

Whats going to happen?

This week was filled with me doing lots of small improvements, finishing this and doing more with the team! Nothing comes out of it yet, but its stuff to be excited about, because we have some cool people working on this!

The next updates up to 0.11.0 will focus on the enemies! We will add two new enemies and a miniboss. Also we will overwork the current boss. Nothing wrong with the boss, I just want more from him!

Thank you for reading!


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