
Minimap | Hype | Heal | Devlog #9

Started by October 30, 2020 09:32 AM
0 comments, last by MissingTheMoon 3 years, 10 months ago

Welcome everyone, we are working on a fast paced 2D roguelike in which you fight robots in a futuristic colosseum and hype up the crowd to get more gold.

Here is the video version of the DevLog in case you prefer that


now shows the level but only room you've been to. For now we placed it at the bottom left. But the UI will be reworked in the future. When pressing select or tab you can pull up the big minimap. It shows more since it's zoomed out more. You can nagivate it and teleport to any room you've been to before. Unless you are in combat.

I've been updating / rewriting old code since we will need to work over it more in the future. The camera now does exactly the same as before BUT now it is really easy to add different behaviour to it. Which we will use this a lot more in future updates. For instance on one of the boss's attacks the camera zooms out to emphasize the impact.


The hype code has been updated. The hype was weird before. When doing something "cool / skilled" the hype goes up. It used to go up over time which I thought was smart. It stops the flow though. Instant feedback, with the bar just slamming up is a lot more helpful. And it is faster just like the game.

So now the hype instantly goes up and freezes there for a little while. Then It goes down, first slowly and then after two seconds at max speed. So the information about what is going on is instant and easier to understand. Gameplay wise its the same.

The hype now also better shows where it is at. It now fills up five times. So each gold multiplier is shown by a filled up bar. In the future we will do a lot more with this!

Heal Circle

The heal circle now can be placed wherever and whenever. You have 100hp. It heals 20hp over 10 seconds. I learned my lesson about Simplicity therefore it no longer shrinks or grows. Its just at max size for the whole 10 seconds.

So here comes the catch: 20hp is not a lot. That is becuase there is another way to heal. Each enemy killed inside the heal circle, gives you 3hp back. This means if you want to heal, you want to play aggressive instead of defensive. You can kill about 5 to 15 enemies in 10 seconds on average. That means you can heal 15 to 45 hp extra for playing aggresive.

Electric Traps

The levels should have more context and variety than only enemies. So the last thing I've done is add the first Trap / Obstacle into the game!

The Electric trap gets triggered when you step on it. It then explodes after a little delay. If you are still in its range it will damage you.

Thats all folks!

If you feel so inclined the game is online on itch! You can play it and share it with your roguelike loving friends

Thank you for reading, have a great day!


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