
DirectX12 : Synchronising Submitted Work

Started by October 02, 2020 04:11 PM
2 comments, last by advance-software 4 years, 5 months ago

Hi guys,

Have modified AMD's HelloD3D12 sample app to draw 2 quads next to each other using the same constant buffer with 2 different states. I'm aware I should instance the constant buffer for performance. The objective of the exercise is to understand synchronisation. Its not quite working as intended. Wondering if anyone can spot the error.

Specifics in void D3D12TexturedQuad::RenderImpl (ID3D12GraphicsCommandList * commandList)

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

I think the sync code looks alright (although could be better), but anyway, for what u r trying to achieve, a clear command is stored in the command list so the first quad is cleared.

Try to comment out this line of code:

void D3D12Sample::PrepareRender ()
//	commandList->ClearRenderTargetView (renderTargetHandle,
 clearColor, 0, nullptr);

and you'll see what happens.

I'll let you figure out how to improve the rest from here on.

That's it. All the best ?


Well spotted ?

Dropped a send/flush after the clear … result … blank screen ?

Sample code updated, same link.


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