If you don't I think there are way more important issues you should be looking into at this stage.
How to make a text box or button in OpenGL window in c++
SuperVGA said:
If you don't I think there are way more important issues you should be looking into at this stage.
What do you mean by this
Shaanveer said:
SuperVGA said:
If you don't I think there are way more important issues you should be looking into at this stage.
What do you mean by this
I mean that I think you should be able to see how you could offset the button from the example.
Otherwise I think it would be best to program some simpler things than using a GUI. (that is; I think it's more important to be able to read and perhaps also understand simple examples, than it is to get a complete solution on placing a button at an x,y coordinate)
SuperVGA said:
Shaanveer said:
SuperVGA said:
If you don't I think there are way more important issues you should be looking into at this stage.
What do you mean by this
I mean that I think you should be able to see how you could offset the button from the example.
Otherwise I think it would be best to program some simpler things than using a GUI. (that is; I think it's more important to be able to read and perhaps also understand simple examples, than it is to get a complete solution on placing a button at an x,y coordinate)
I know you think I am not good at programming, but I just want to know how to make buttons in OpenGL. With any GUI library that works on the opengl window. On x,y positions. And does glui allow me to place buttons in x,y position on the opengl screen.
Thank you for spending so long on this question
Shaanveer said:
I know you think I am not good at programming, but I just want to know how to make buttons in OpenGL. With any GUI library that works on the opengl window. On x,y positions. And does glui allow me to place buttons in x,y position on the opengl screen.
The issue isn't not being good at programming - I'm in many cases not good at programming, either. People come here to learn. But it just seems to me that you aren't really trying to find out. Have you looked at the docs? Have you played around with the libraries?
As stated earlier I don't know about GLUI. What does the GLUI_Button.draw(int x, int y) do?
It seems to me that you don't really want to look into a GUI library proper, because if you did, you would have looked at the available resources or tinkered with one of the numerous examples already available, rather than asking here.
If all you need is a button, may I recommend that you draw it and detect clicks on that button yourself?
- It's not difficult if you're already comfortable with some opengl basics and glutMouseFunc
- You have full control and won't be surprised about how it works or does not work.
SuperVGA said:
Shaanveer said:
I know you think I am not good at programming, but I just want to know how to make buttons in OpenGL. With any GUI library that works on the opengl window. On x,y positions. And does glui allow me to place buttons in x,y position on the opengl screen.
The issue isn't not being good at programming - I'm in many cases not good at programming, either. People come here to learn. But it just seems to me that you aren't really trying to find out. Have you looked at the docs? Have you played around with the libraries?
As stated earlier I don't know about GLUI. What does the GLUI_Button.draw(int x, int y) do?
It seems to me that you don't really want to look into a GUI library proper, because if you did, you would have looked at the available resources or tinkered with one of the numerous examples already available, rather than asking here.
If all you need is a button, may I recommend that you draw it and detect clicks on that button yourself?
- It's not difficult if you're already comfortable with some opengl basics and glutMouseFunc
- You have full control and won't be surprised about how it works or does not work.
Thanks you a lot. I will research more about this topic. I have researched about glui and there never is an answer for if glui let's me place buttons in x y position. Phelps you know
@Shaanveer I am going to try to make buttons with glui and from scratch. Glui probably allow me to place buttons in x,y positions. And from scratch I can use glutmousefunc. With outline effects. Please tell me if you know, this. Does glui allow us to place buttons in x,y coordinates
Your inability to be forthcoming makes your professions of gratitude seem fake.
@shaanveer I was surprised to see that you are correct, a lot of those libraries don't allow absolute widget positioning.
Take a look into this one: https://github.com/wjakob/nanogui
On the base Widget class there is a void setPosition(const Vector2i &pos) method to allow precise positioning in the parent container. It should cover your needs.