
Console (CMD) style debugging

Started by June 11, 2020 03:19 PM
6 comments, last by Calin 4 years, 3 months ago

Does anyone have experience in making/building a console for debugging? i.e. as alternative to throwing data to a file.

I find it a bit unusual to have a responsive graphic user interface component running alongside an active game simulation

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

What are you looking for in this answer? To directly answer, simply “yes.”. That's all you asked.

Regardless of if you think it is usual or not, in practice many games and many game engines have an abundance of these systems. On-screen messages and visual logging with text and charts and menus within the game. External windows which are fully graphical. External windows which are entirely text and interactive. External windows which are text logs which can be captured and redirected. Log files which are fully timestamped, automatically rotated, output in formats such as HTML or XML or plain text, both logging remotely and accepting debug commands across the network, and all of these systems are configurable for a wide range of in-game systems and range from high-verbosity logging to quietly reporting warnings and worse, to only making a chirp on fatal errors.

When you work in Unreal or Unity or other major game engines it is quite common to get some or all of these at once: Live metrics visible to QA and developers displaying charts, text, interactive menus and adjustment tools, and more; interactive consoles directly in game; plain text windows with logging and interactive command prompts; and log files recording everything you ask at runtime. This is in addition to tool windows you may have open by the tools themselves, physics debuggers, networking debuggers, animation debuggers, game script debuggers, and more.

Is there more to your question?


frob said:
visual logging with text and charts and menus within the game.

I want to create/use extensive logging for my game within the game. The game environment is unstable, so you need a well thought system. especially since the logging system will crawl all the corners of your game.

accepting debug commands

I would like to have this implemented as well.

What are you looking for in this answer? To directly answer, simply “yes.”. That's all you asked.

I`m looking for interaction with people who make gamedev for living, over this topic.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

I've done this in a prior card game I worked on a few years ago. Since I developed an in game chat system it was easy to make it show debug information and take in commands.

Pretty much if you can develop a chat system you can develop an in game console to read information and take commands and it isn't highly complicated or anything.

Programmer and 3D Artist

Rutin said:
Pretty much if you can develop a chat system you can develop an in game console to read information and take commands and it isn't highly complicated or anything.

I have the output part working to some degree but it come out somewhat messy, I will get better at organising it with practice I guess. I still have to figure out the input. The code for command input should probably reside in the same place with the code for normal user input (keyboard and mouse) i.e. the dashboard

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

There're multiple types of such a system in every good game engine. A profiler is used to output runtime logs of the code to any backend, a log system is supposed to collect message the developer set to apear at a given point, then you might have other information depending on the type of game.

In any case you should take care of performance and not blocking your code for too long while handling those data creation or else your code will behave quite different in debug vs. release builds.

However, what I did for profiling was to declare a fixed number of threads that can create profiler information. Then each of those threads has it's own queue and wether it is on-time profiler or just a recorder, the information is handled from a dedicated messager thread.

For our in-game console this was a bit more tricky. It works quite the same as the profiler solution but instead of sending data via UDP, we have different log channels to file as same as to an in-game console. The console is just an R16 texture with 32x64 pixel. Each row is a line on screen and each column is a character to display. The second half of the R component is a color constant to print the character in. Then we have a shader that takes a fixed size 128x128 monospace character texture and translates the provided character index into the character font and color on screen.

This is the best performing way I could think of to handle such kind of debug text.

Our console is also able to take commands. For this we have a set of functions registered in the engine core. Those will be mapped by string-hash to a command typed into the console and then parameters are parsed into primitive types like bool, int, float, char and string, one after another until either all required parameters meet the proper type or a type is found that is not included in the parameter list and the entire command is rejected.

We then have a system that is some kind of reflection, providing RTTI information about functions and their parameter's and types. The same system is designed to perform what isan anonymous call, passing an array of type void** as the parameter definition and have the delegate that was create in beforehand handle the lookup based on a template


Thanks for sharing Shaarigan. I was in doubt if a proper system for debugging and logging is worth investing time into. From what you guys are saying it`s obvious it`s the only way to go. I`m making everything from scratch and I was under impression that could skip this bit.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

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