
How to Solve Dual Paraboloid Variance Shadow Mapping Artifacts

Started by June 09, 2020 11:25 PM
3 comments, last by Charles117 4 years, 9 months ago

Hi guys, I'm doing a custom 3D renderer using OpenGL and C++ and right now I'm implementing shadows. For instance, my first attempt of implementing shadows was common shadow mapping with PCF but applying PCF to a cube texture map generates some artifacts and I was looking to some alternatives. Because of this, I stumbled upon Dual Paraboloid environment mapping and read that it could be used with variance shadow mapping since it generates two textures each covering a 180 degree spectrum. So, after reading a lot I implemented the algorithm but there are some artifacts that shouldn't be there:

Now, after reading this paper​ I found out that the artifact on the floor could be because of the orientation of the splitting plane and a solution would be to change the orientation from z (0,0,1) (0,0,-1) to maybe y (0,1,0) and (0,-1,0) but this would definitely change a lot of things from the original algorithm.

Also, the other artifact found is the one on the wall and I just don't know why it is happening, maybe it's because I'm not generating correctly the shadow maps or something. 

The Vertex and Fragment shader for generating the shadow maps are the following: (I now that the algorithm produces better results when tessellation is used but the improvements are on the borders, right?)

// Vertex Shader
#version 410 core

in vec3 aPosition;

out VS_OUT
    float Depht;
    float Alpha;
} vs_out;

uniform mat4  uModel; // Model transform


View transform which is implemented as follows:

LookAt(position_, position_ + clutch::Vec4<float>{0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0, 0.0f}, clutch::Vec4<float>{0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f})

uniform mat4  uView;  

uniform float uFar;  // far plane
uniform float uNear; // near plaine
uniform float uDir;  // 1 if rendering the front side and -1 if rendering the rear one.

void main()
    vec4 result = uView * uModel * vec4(aPosition, 1.0);

    result.z *= uDir;
    result /= result.w;

    float len = length(;
    result   /= len;
    vs_out.Alpha = 0.5 + (result.z / uFar); 

    result.z += 1.0;

    result.x /= result.z;
    result.y /= result.z;

    result.z = (len - uNear) / (uFar - uNear);

    result.w = 1.0;

    vs_out.Depht = result.z;

    gl_Position = result;  
// Fragment Shader

#version 410 core

out vec4 FragColor;

    float Depht;
    float Alpha;
} fs_in;

void main()
    if(fs_in.Alpha < 0.5) discard;

    FragColor = vec4(fs_in.Depht, fs_in.Depht * fs_in.Depht, 0.0, 0.0);

Before showing the results of the previous shaders it's important to point out that the before mentioned paper says that moving the Dual Paraboloid calculation to the fragment shader slightly solves the non linearity problem, but after doing so the same artifacts where encountered.

Now, the shadow calculations where implemented as follows:

float line_step(float min, float max, float value)
    return clamp((value - min) / (max - min), 0.0, 1.0);

float reduce_bleeding(float p_max, float amount) 
    // Remove the [0, Amount] tail and linearly rescale (Amount, 1].    
    return line_step(amount, 1, p_max); 

vec4 paraboloid(vec4 frag_pos, float dir)
    vec4 result = frag_pos;

    result /= result.w;

    float len = length(;
    result   /= len;
    result.z = (result.z >= 0.0) ? (1.0 + result.z) : (1.0 - result.z);

    result.x /= result.z;
    result.y /= result.z;

    result.z = (len - uNearPlane) / (uMaxDistance - uNearPlane);

    result.w = 1.0;

    return result;

float VSM(vec2 moments, float depht)
    float m1       = moments.x;
    float m2       = moments.y;
    float variance = m2 - m1 * m1; 
    float diff     = depht - m1;
    float p_max    = variance / (variance + diff * diff);

    return depht < moments.x ? 1.0 : reduce_bleeding(p_max, 0.4);

float shadows(vec4 frag_pos)
    frag_pos     = uDPView * frag_pos; // Fragpos is in world space.

    float alpha  = 0.5 + frag_pos.z / uMaxDistance;

    vec4 front_pos   = paraboloid(frag_pos, 1.0);
    vec4 rear_pos    = paraboloid(frag_pos,-1.0);

    vec2 front_coods = 0.5 + 0.5 * front_pos.xy;
    vec2 rear_coods  = 0.5 + 0.5 * rear_pos.xy;

    vec2  moments = (alpha >= 0.5) ? texture(shadow_map_front, front_coods).rg : texture(shadow_map_rear, rear_coods).rg;
    float depht   = (alpha >= 0.5) ? front_pos.z : rear_pos.z;
    return VSM(moments, depht);

Finally, the resulting shadow maps used for calculating the shadows are the following:


Your shadow maps do not look like having the necessary spherical projection. In the linked paper they use tessellation so they can make curves out of straight lines. If you don't do this it is not possible to cover full 180 degrees of a half space. Standard planar projection does not work for this.

You see on the paper they have the same artifact on ground, caused by incorrect tessellation.

The artifact on the wall has the same reason. The lookup expects spherical projection like this:

But you provide a planar projection less than 180 degrees fov:

(I did not read your code, so all this are my assumptions.)

With the need for tessellation (or raytracing for exact results), paraboloid SM becomes much less attractive, and cube maps have less issues on the image borders i guess. They also allow more uniform filtering.


Some image to show why 180 degrees fov does work well for spherical projection but can't work with planar projection:

(Red is the image plane.)

If we would make the right planar projection full 180 degrees fov, the front and back clip plane would collapse with the eye position, and all rays would become parallel to the image plane. There is no more way to do any meaningful projection at all.

The tessellation is used to make distorted fake objects that emulate the behavior of the left image so we get the same result although using raster hardware only capable of planar projection. Somehow.
So paraboloid is only attractive for static SM IMO. And i would use high res cube maps to generate them offline which is easy (or now raytracing).

@JoeJ Oh, so that is why my shadow maps didn’t have the spherical shape of the papers. I thought that tessellation would only help with the aliasing problem as it is supposed to increase (in this case) the polygon count. However, based on your answers it is actually used for making the projection. I wanted to avoid tessellation since it will have a high impact on performance, I think I’ll go back to cube maps then. Thanks Joe ?����������

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