Watch the video. Listen to the claims.
The demo is awesome. We know real-world scans are the future and tessellation was a big deal. His claim is that in the demo you see a 33 Million triangle mesh (396MB of position data) that was imported directly. I can't see how that make any sense just as a memory footprint. He says there is no LOD system and no normal map baking. So I don't know how you could LOD. You obviously aren't calling draw 33 million triangles when the thing is 50 feet away.
You can't really unwrap a 33 million triangle mesh well. Many islands would be present and you need padding between islands for mip-mapping purposes. So there has to be a smaller model to work with that has way less vertices, otherwise you have 33 million x 2 floats in UV data as well. So 2 claims I find hard to believe. If he says its just mass amounts of tessellation, then we are on the same page.
We know that triangles less than 2x2 size cause problems, so if this isn't a version of tessellation then hmm. I didn't watch closely for popping LOD so tessellation would be the culprit unless some new technology concepts are being used here.