I'am 2 months to finish the school and I'am interested in be a VFX artists for the game industry, I will learn how to make them with Unreal Engine, Houdini, After Effects, Maya and other technologies. I'm a christian, there's a lot of games that the community loves like Doom Eternal, The Witcher 3, an so on that have the things of the topic that make me feel really uncomfortable. Please show me some studios that doesn't add those things into their games.
What game studios doesn't make games with demons, magic/sorcery and mythological beings ?
What games do you enjoy? Perhaps you have a preference in terms of game genre and not just the content?
Off the top of my head, how about King? I'm not sure they use Unreal Engine, though.
I found a list of christian video games, but I don't think that's a guarantee against seeing magic or mythical beings in the games.
Perhaps some of the developers behind those games are hiring, though. You could also flick through a bigger list of developers.
On another note - what kinds of VFX are you hoping to create when you're through your education?
@SuperVGA Alright, the only video game (apart from Need for Speed) I like is inFAMOUS Second Son and that one inspires me to make VFX, a sandbox game with superpowers, I love how they made the majority of the powers, someone can choose be good or evil, as evil you can summon demons with one of your powers but I avoid that part, I choose always be good. Basically I want to avoid make VFX for demons and sorcery. I expect to make lightning , fire, rain , seas, things that you can see in the real world. King Games ?, no, i don't like that studio.
So do you have some suggestion based on what I answered to you ?
tony2 said:
I'm a christian, there's a lot of games that the community loves like Doom Eternal…
It's worth noting that Sandy Petersen, one of the designers of the original Doom, is a devout Mormon and has stated “it's only a game, they're just cartoons, and besides, they're the bad guys”.
Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.
There are plenty of popular genres without supernatural/demonic content, from racing to sports to strictly mundane warfare, but only an unusually specialized studio would offer any guarantee that all their future projects are agreeable, Your best option is probably planning one project at a time, preferring a role that allows you to stick with a project you like and avoid random involvement in unpleasant projects (e.g. editing assets for game X over its whole development rather than being the smoke and fire specialist for all games)
Omae Wa Mou Shindeiru
tony2 said:
a sandbox game with superpowers
Ahh, alright. Sorry, I tend to get magic/sorcery and superpowers mixed up a lot. Well, there you have it. I still think the input from Lorenzo and Moose are worth taking into consideration - ultimately you decide where you work, but the studio will decide what you'll be working on, at least at first. There are likely no guarantees as to what content they'll produce in the future.
Which part of the world are you located in?
On a different note I think your post might benefit from being moved to a different section. It's more of a career advice thing, I suppose.
21st Century Moose said:
It's worth noting that Sandy Petersen, one of the designers of the original Doom, is a devout Mormon and has stated “it's only a game, they're just cartoons, and besides, they're the bad guys”.
Sounds like a kid trying to reason with a parent. Where is the “, mom!” at the end?
He sure isn't making it any easier to get his own planet after he dies.
🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂<←The tone posse, ready for action.
@SuperVGA OK, magic/sorcery of course are consider superpowers but it doesn't feel the same that the power came from some scientific concepts than came from Satan or witches, maybe in games there are other explanations from where the magic comes but I still feeling the same.
I'm from Dominican Republic, a third-world country in the middle of the Caribbean sea, why you want to know where am I ?