First of all I apologize for my sometimes hard to read comments.
h8CplusplusGuru said:
Just because you can't think of one doesn't mean that is actually the case
That sounds like you got my point?
I would generally say the same but in this case not. Because when (nearly) all numbers have the same value and (nearly) everything equals each other, why don't you use just one variable/symbol to express that value all the other numbers express? To say that 1 = 2 or respectively 1Q = 2Q makes it just more complicated than it needs to be.
And because you can't do any standard operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division without getting to the same value as before (for example 2Q + 3Q = 5Q, however as described before they all have the same value so it is actually just Q + Q = Q or 2Q = Q, or Q = Q ) the whole System becomes useless for mathematics as we know it.
The only Thing you can do is Count. Like with tally marks (hope that is the right name). And These are way simpler then that whole Thing with Q so whydon't just use tally marks instead?
(And please if you have any questions because you don't understand something I wrote due to language, just ask them I'm happy to answer them ?. language barrier shall not be a thing)