
Which backend to choose?

Started by April 02, 2020 01:04 AM
7 comments, last by bronlund 4 years, 6 months ago

I am finishing up my Mario Bros simulation. I haven't decided how complete to make it, however my next project will be an ecommerce site with an administration page. I keep things simple.

My question is this, as far as the backend goes, what should I choose? Possible solutions are: js.node, c#, and PHP. I was thinking of using MySQL, but this is not necessarily set in stone. I really think phpmyadmin is super.

My purpose is to get experience for a job and am wondering what everyone suggests. I'm anticipating as a response, “What do I want to do for work.” Perhaps some sort of online games and lobbies. Maybe something multiplayer that will use the internet to connect.

I have used c# with signalr. I have read about php. I have read introductory information about js.node.

I guess a legitimate concern is how long each of these will be used, how much each pays, and their different complexities. None of them seem to be to hard. Are there any other issues?

Thank you,


Another issue is how are these languages for other general programming.


Hi Josheir.

In my experience both node and PHP developer are in demand. So not a huge difference for future job opportunities.
Choose what you like best. More important than the language you use is to understand the design and implementation patterns.

May I suggest that in addition to using MySQL (btw. I prefer Workbench over phpMyAdmin) you also check out some NoSQL stuff (e.g. MongoDB)? It's popping up more and more in projects.

You could also consider Python. It has a much broader use in general programming outside of the web server domain and it's in very widespread use in actual production back ends out there in internet land. There are many back end frameworks available for Python if cargo cult programming is your thing.

Ruby is also a very popular choice. Sites like github are built primarily on Ruby. Ruby on Rails is the cult of choice there.

Stephen M. Webb
Professional Free Software Developer

By cultish I am assuming your explaining me as being an inexperienced copier of code with some extra unneeded usage. Why would you think that? Maybe you mean there are a lot of code examples out there?


A lot of this kind of work involves taking existing code from multiple sources and kitbashing it together. That's what I take the cargo cult remark to mean in this context.

Direct3D has need of instancing, but we do not. We have plenty of glVertexAttrib calls.


I agree with @21st century moose , I don't think it is intended as personal insult but as a reference to the kind of programmers you find in that area.

As for your choices question, I would say go for a proper data base, and learn how data bases work with normalization, and SQL. You may not use it much, but it gives a perspective how these things work, so you can place the various tools in that framework.

@Josheir What you can do is this. Use Wordpress/WooCommerce as a headless CMS for the backend and build the frontend using Vue.js. That way you have the ‘best’ of both worlds and will learn plenty about both PHP (which runs most sites) and Node (which all the cool kids use).

Learning both will be a challenge of course, but maybe you'll figure out as you go which one appeals most to you. WooCommerce have a solid REST API and plenty documentation and Vue.js is way better than React og Angular in my opinion and is still in high demand.

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