
Alternative gamedev

Started by March 27, 2020 07:12 PM
17 comments, last by Tom Sloper 4 years, 10 months ago

Juliean said:
largest and greediest

idc , that`s not my point. As for indie devs my respect goes to them.

My project`s facebook page is “DreamLand Page”

ok, you two quit pulling your sisters hair lol


let me see if i can take a stab at this ?.


I believe, with my understanding, i may fall under this `Alternative game dev`. i say this becasuse of a few cases.. now remember i may not understand fully what you mean @calin .

  • instead of building/developing off a Graphics/physics Engine ivevdecided to use a completely different route Python IDE with Interactive Interpreter.
  • This IDE runs on `IOS` deviced exclusively.
  • there is `scene` Module that wraps Apple's `SceneKit` using Obj-C and its not bad butbnowhere near the ability of actual `SceneKit` or a desktop platform like Unreal or Unity ect..
  • this said i took the rout of wrapping the wrapper. while still using the main eventloop on IOS most of the updating is ont via *callbacks* using Class Delegates.
  • Graphics have even took an odd turn.. instead of just making sprite-sheets and simple images i use a long rocess in order to get the best i can with Apples Retina display.
  • Since my Screen is 768ptx1024pt ( [^1] points not pixels) with retina at Scaling Factor of @ 2 giving me 1536pxx2048px (pixels not points) (Ipad 5/4/Air2). with this i try to takebadvantage ofit by using a Vector Graphics Editor to create my base rescaling and export as `.tiff` i then take said image and import into RasterEditor and place any Detailing i want. i place EXTRAB detain to compensate fore huge downscaling. when finished i export Raster Tiff at 1000% scale. import to my Project and when my `engine` populates Cache Dict it takesvthe `.tiff` filesvand doesva hard resize down to 500% usingbAmnti-Aliasing then sends the DataObject down the GPU for gradially down scale to 100% Size and then Reformats then reformats the pixes Data to png after aplying, if any, shader components to pixels. .. thus the life of my image assets.
  • for ui ive seemed to to focus more on UX Aspect. but i wont bore you with those details.

so is this kinda what your refering to @calin?


Stephen Frey,


Example of Image Quality can be seen in my profile picture. its not the best but i liked it..

[^1]: Points are simply a groupling of pixels to reprezent 1 point on screen granting higher image quality on smaller screens iPad Pro usually has a Retina Scale Factor of 3.



Calin said:
idc , that`s not my point.

Try having a point then, instead of throwing incoherent nonsense around. Right now you have proven that unimaginative games exist. Yay. I don't fucking get you mate, not at all. And I'm really trying

stephenmfrey said:
I believe, with my understanding, i may fall under this `Alternative game dev`. i say this becasuse of a few cases.. now remember i may not understand fully what you mean @calin .

He's talking about gameplay. Thats the least I can tell.


ive never heard the term but i noticed @calin saying his Engish wasnt to great so i thought i would give it a shot


Calin said:

(A) quick thought about alternative gamedev. I don`t think an alternative take to gamedev is meant to replace the traditional aproach. the purpose is to bolster existing gamedev.

Care to elaborate more on what you're talking about? Game development is very fluid and many teams have a variety of workflows which can take industry standard workflows and modify them to be more tailored to their team's needs. I don't believe there is a one size fits all workflow everyone is using from my knowledge otherwise when you go from team to team you wouldn't be required to get re-trained in their pipeline…

You really need to define what you consider ‘Traditional’ and what you consider ‘Alternative’. I'm aware of countless different workflows that are being used from team to team regardless of any similarities. It is a misconception to assume that two companies using UE4 for example are using the same workflow… You're not factoring in tool-kits, engine modifications, along side the vast of amount of positions you see within game development.

For example using the visual artists as an example, if you're using Substance as opposed to another package your pipeline changes out the gate, even studios that use sculpting for hard-surface now as opposed to only poly modeling, the same applies to how your team is structured. Some teams have concept sculptors which pass their work onto another 3D artist that does clean up and retopo, then passes it onto an animator, then it goes off to a texture artist who also handles baking. Some teams might merge, or split up positions even future to the point of having artists who work on certain things like characters only, hard-surface only, weapons, ect… Then you have approval processes in place. Even the workflows within the different positions can vary as well on how something is approached.

Programmer and 3D Artist

stephenmfrey said:
i may not understand fully what you mean @calin .

The general point of hot Calin lounge threads is to get something started, and after 10 pages an idea about ‘what is topic’ might eventually form.

Somehow, my alternative gamedev works in a similar way: Try something new (technically), and hope a fun mechanic might eventually pop up.


@JoeJ Awesome!

Thank you for clearing that up. I kinda figures this was the senario. This is why i made the long post i did in hopes to spark off one of the topics used within lol


JoeJ said:
The general point of hot Calin lounge threads is to get something started

Certainly does look that way. Shutting this one down.

-- Tom Sloper --

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