Hi everyone
Using VS 2015 and Windows 10 64bits.
I'm developing a tool than implies to change texture paths in several X files, I Had readed a lot of info about directX programing aven some example like the tiger one, but all them are in C++, and I'm just starting with Visual basic.Net.
I'm quite sure most of you already know X file format, anyway I'm going to add 2 blocks of both file formats:
X file format
xof 0303bzip0032¨±? €$'CKœWy\UÕö¿Šš
?‰ªm©nqDÜî½àÙ¾~?ôû_L>?u½ƒ!}ÍF??Œ&õû!?aá³gù†D ‰š??ÝÀBŠF/T??
TXT format - after conversion I'm looking for
xof 0303txt 0032
template Frame {
template Matrix4x4 {
array FLOAT matrix[16];
template FrameTransformMatrix {
Matrix4x4 frameMatrix;
If get that txt file so I can to locate texture paths>change them for the new paths>and save again as X file.
Or maybe is there another way allowing me open X file>change texture paths directly>and save again, without convert X file to txt format?
Any help would be appreciate.