I think the SSD allows streaming of unlimited details, and soon we'll find out storage space is the real limitation, not storage speed. Or we just stick at repetive textures and models. (hard to get rid of sarcastic tone, but i'm serious)
I see a increasing need for work on compression and procedural generation ahead.
I also think true photorealism becomes possible. I work on realtime GI since forever. It can do unlimited bounces and give a good approximation of global light transport, but lacks high frequency details like hard shadows and sharp reflections.
Exactly the things RT can handle well. Combining both should do it.
I also hope RT can replace shadow maps in general. At some point stochastic RT becomes faster than rendering n SMs per frame. I hope we are at this point already. Otherwise RT is more a gimmick still.
And the most i hope AMDs RT is more flexible than RTX. I want stochastic LOD which requires programmable traversal. AMDs TMU patent hints this as possible, and DXR lists traversal shaders as potentially upcoming feature.
Give it to me, also on PC please. Otherwise RT won't scale well and it remains a gimmick.
But that's just my subjective gfx interests.
Without doubt the stronger CPUs will allow a leap forwards. I hope this helps with better games as well.
SSDs pushing the open world boredom even further alone won't convince me as a gamer.
I want more believable worlds. More simulation, less smoke and mirrors and less facades.