JohnnyCode said:
Such an incorrect statement, of course knowing ASM gives you ability to optimize compiled binary in lots/most of cases!
Nope, thats total horseshit. Compilers are better at producing ASM than any human in 99.9% of all cases PERIOD. Its not 1990 anymore. I'm sick of this nonesense being being spewed every now and then in this forum. I'm still waiting for anyone to show some real-world examples of ASM performing better in a common-real world example (which shouldn't be hard to come by if its better in “MOST” of cases).
If on the other hand you don't want to base your knowledge on makebelief and antiquated facts, here's a few talks that prove quite the opposite:
What has my compiler done for me lately
(from the guy who runs compiler-explorer, which lets you inspect the generated assembly across multiple different compilers easily)
Speed is in the mind of people
(you can take pretty much any talk by alexandrescu. that guy is a beast. he's optimizing algorithms that were thought to be unbeatable left and right, and do you know how much assembly his optimization contains? Zero!)