Calin said:
NikiTo said:
“While I dissagre with how you chose to treat people on some issues, you`re right on the nose.”
sorry , I`m not going to side with you just because you`re right on some issues
Thanks! Second comma means i am right about everything. The treatment to people is because i am an asperger. I do what i can to not piss off everyone who is not an asperger in the world, but it is not easy.
I should lie in the beginning. Say i like the same football team as the person i am talking to. Accept his political orientation, enter under his skin, manipulate him to like me, and then use him for my benefit. I should do that as any normal person. I know. But because i am a broken asperger, i just tell directly to people what i think.
@green_baron I claimed nothing like that. I used “If” always.
NikiTo said:
If we get stuck in the end of Moore's Law. And there are no quantum computers yet, and not faster silicon either,
NikiTo said:
But if we get stuck in the end of Moore's Law
NikiTo said:
Right now it is not needed, because for the boost it gives us, it is not worth the time. But if Moore's Law is completely stuck,
@joej I abandoned it because of lower productivity compared to HLL. I use JS to develop my ideas. Then i pass it to C++ + HLSL. In the end I could replace C++ with ASM, but better directly HDL.
You reuse a lot of code all the time in ASM. I personally reuse code regardless the language, in order to avoid errors(hopefully the reused code has no errors…). If not, you copy paste around a lot.