
Huge memory leaks when I load textures

Started by March 03, 2020 03:35 PM
19 comments, last by SyncViews 4 years, 10 months ago

Hi !

I have memory leaks in this code, but I don't know how I could fix them.

Can you help me ?

DWORD WINAPI D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading(LPVOID lpParam)


LoadingThreadsParameters* parameters = (LoadingThreadsParameters*)lpParam;

for (unsigned short i = parameters->beginning; i <= parameters->end; i++)


 string textureName(objectsData[i].textureName);

 //_ASSERT(i != 236);

 if (textureName.length() > 1)



  string textureDirectory("./Assets/Textures/");

  textureName.replace(textureName.length() - 4, 4, ".jpg");

  string textureFilePath = textureDirectory + textureName;

  // Load the texture and initialize an ID3D11Texture2D object.

  HRESULT result = D3DX11CreateTextureFromFile(deviceDX11, textureFilePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, (ID3D11Resource **)&amp;textureData[i], NULL);


  D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC shaderResourceViewDesc;

  // Fill in the D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC structure.

  shaderResourceViewDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;// textureDesc.Format;

  shaderResourceViewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;

  shaderResourceViewDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0;

  shaderResourceViewDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = 1;


  normalMapSRV.resize(Loader3ds::nbObj + 1);

  // Create the shader resource view.

  HRESULT hResult = deviceDX11->CreateShaderResourceView((ID3D11Resource*)textureData[i], &amp;shaderResourceViewDesc, &amp;textureSRV[i]);


  textureData[i] = NULL;

  if (strstr(objectsData[i].textureName, "SKY")!=0)

   backgroundIndex = i;

  //Loading of the normal maps

  if ( ( strstr(textureFilePath.c_str(), "backgroun") == 0 ) /*|| (strstr(textureFilePath.c_str(), "badTree") == 0 )*/)


   string textureDirectory("./Assets/Textures/");

   textureName.replace(textureName.length() - 4, 4, "");

   string textureFilePath = textureDirectory + textureName;

   textureFilePath += string("_NormalMap.png");

   // Load the texture and initialize an ID3D11Texture2D object.

   HRESULT result = D3DX11CreateTextureFromFile(deviceDX11, textureFilePath.c_str(), NULL, NULL, (ID3D11Resource**)&amp;normalMapTexture[i], NULL);

   D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC shaderResourceViewDesc;

   // Fill in the D3D11_SHADER_RESOURCE_VIEW_DESC structure.

   shaderResourceViewDesc.Format = DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM;// textureDesc.Format;

   shaderResourceViewDesc.ViewDimension = D3D11_SRV_DIMENSION_TEXTURE2D;

   shaderResourceViewDesc.Texture2D.MostDetailedMip = 0;

   shaderResourceViewDesc.Texture2D.MipLevels = 1;

   //textureSRV.resize(Loader3ds::nbObj + 1);

   //normalMapSRV.resize(Loader3ds::nbObj + 1);

   // Create the shader resource view.

   HRESULT hResult = deviceDX11->CreateShaderResourceView((ID3D11Resource*)normalMapTexture[i], &amp;shaderResourceViewDesc, &amp;normalMapSRV[i]);

//     normalMapTexture[i]->Release();

//     normalMapTexture[i] = NULL;








return 0;


void D3D11Rendering::parallelizeTextureLoading()


LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters0;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters1;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters2;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters3;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters4;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters5;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters6;

LoadingThreadsParameters loadingThreadsParameters7;

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[0], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[1], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[2], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[3], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[4], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[5], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[6], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

SetThreadPriority(handleLoadingTexturesThread[7], THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);

loadingThreadsParameters0.beginning = 0;

loadingThreadsParameters0.end = nbObj / 8;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[0] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters0,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters1.beginning = (nbObj / 8)+1;

loadingThreadsParameters1.end = (nbObj/8)*2;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[1] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters1,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters2.beginning = ((nbObj / 8) * 2)+1;

loadingThreadsParameters2.end = (nbObj / 8) * 3;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[2] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters2,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters3.beginning = ((nbObj / 8) * 3) +1 ;

loadingThreadsParameters3.end = (nbObj / 8) * 4;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[3] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters3,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters4.beginning = ((nbObj / 8) * 4)+1;

loadingThreadsParameters4.end = (nbObj / 8) * 5;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[4] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters4,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters5.beginning = ((nbObj / 8) * 5)+1;

loadingThreadsParameters5.end = (nbObj / 8) * 6;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[5] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters5,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters6.beginning = ((nbObj / 8) * 6)+1;

loadingThreadsParameters6.end = (nbObj / 8) * 7;

handleLoadingTexturesThread[6] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters6,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


loadingThreadsParameters7.beginning = ((nbObj / 8) * 7)+1;

loadingThreadsParameters7.end = (nbObj);

handleLoadingTexturesThread[7] = CreateThread(

 NULL,                   // default security attributes

 0,                      // use default stack size  

 &amp;D3D11Rendering::texturesLoading,       // thread function name

 &amp;loadingThreadsParameters7,          // argument to thread function  

 0,                      // use default creation flags  


WaitForMultipleObjects(8, handleLoadingTexturesThread, TRUE, INFINITE);










To free memory, I use this :

template <typename C>
    static void SafeDeleteD3Dobject(C& pointer)
        if (pointer > 0x0000000000000000)
            pointer = nullptr;

Not sure if it helps, but if you want to prevent manual refcounting/ releasing issues, you could use CComPtr for the texture objects.

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me


What exactly is the object that leaks?

Do you get the leak without the threads (just call the 8 thread functions sequentially)? The CRT leak report should tell you the allocation that leaked, which you can set as a breakpoint.

You can also use the MSVC diagnostic tools to take a heap snapshot before and after your code. This will let you see all the objects allocated including a stack trace to that allocation.

For D3D resources themselves, the D3D11 debug will tell you which references leaked with `D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG` (you can also name objects for easier debugging with `resource->SetPrivateData(WKPDID_D3DDebugObjectName, name_len, name)`.

Definitely use some form of RAII smart "pointer" for all resources (regular pointers, ref counted COM/D3D, handles, etc.).

You shouldn't use `if (pointer > 0x0000000000000000)` to check a pointer, use `if (pointer)` or `if (pointer != nullptr)`.

The problem is that I don't know from which variable(s) come the leak even with the CRT leak report, it does not indicate any variable except textureDirectory which leaks, I don't know why.

The smart pointers work with D3D variables ? ( it is just to be sure )

If yes, which one is the best between unique_ptr and CComPtr ( which I know less ) ?


`textureDirectory` is an std::string, I think it is highly unlikely that leaks, unless you are breaking further C++ rules in code not being shown (e.g. you don't want any “goto” or “jump” or "TerminateThread", “__endthread”, “ExitThread”, etc., that can bypass destructors, don't try and recover from access violations or similar exceptions).


theScore said:
The problem is that I don't know from which variable(s) come the leak even with the CRT leak report

That is what the breakpoint is for or the MSVC memory diagnostics.

int main()
    std::vector<int> *not_leaky = new std::vector<int>();
    std::vector<int> *leaky = new std::vector<int>();
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    delete not_leaky;

Detected memory leaks!

Dumping objects ->

{188} normal block at 0x0000020F7B615890, 52 bytes long.

Data: <                > 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 03 00 00 00  

{174} normal block at 0x0000020F7B613180, 16 bytes long.

Data: <@Ra{            > 40 52 61 7B 0F 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  

{173} normal block at 0x0000020F7B615240, 32 bytes long.

Data: < 1a{     Xa{    > 80 31 61 7B 0F 02 00 00 90 58 61 7B 0F 02 00 00  

Object dump complete.

So taking the first one {188} here, so add “_crtBreakAlloc = 188;” or set it directly in the debugger (useful if you want to note down what all 3 are without restarting, 173,174,188). Then MSVC will stop on a breakpoint inside “ucrtbase.dll”, looking up the stack frames will see “std::vector<int,std::allocator<int>>::push_back(const int & _Val)” and just above that the line for “leaky->push_back(i);".

Running with the “memory usage” MSVC tools you can visually inspect snapshots during the program looking for things you don't expect to be there, e.g. take a snapshot before and after a function using line breakpoints.



theScore said:
If yes, which one is the best between unique_ptr and CComPtr ( which I know less ) ?

Well largely for different purposes, unique_ptr for general memory (new/delete), CComPtr for COM objects (AddRef and Release). It is possible to use unique_ptr with COM types (or “handles” and other resources), you have to create a “deleter” that calls “p->Release()” instead of “delete p”, and in some cases provide a “pointer” type (where “T*” is not wanted). Worth knowing the pattern to make these incase need a custom one (ref counting with a different API, a resource where “0” is a valid ID (like INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, INVALID_SOCKET being -1).

No other code outside a RAII class should ever need to call a “free” function.


Thank you your answer, I am going to try your suggestions, I 'll come back if I have questions.


I took a snapshot of the memory usage with visual studio and the heap is allocated at about 150 MBytes whereas the app occupies 3 GByte in memory.

The variables allocated on the heap at this time seem to be correct and don't explain why the app is so big in memory.

If I launch the app ( which is a game ) the first time it occupies about 300 MBytes in memory.Then when the level is reloaded ( just after going in the destructor ), my app occupies 3 GBytes in the RAM, and a third time when the level is loaded ( so 3 loads in a row ), my app takes about 6 GBytes in memory.

My question would be : am I not in the case of memory fragmentation ? What do you think about it ?

At what point should the level be “unloaded”? Take a snapshot from before the level, and from after, there shouldn't be a major increase over the 150MB after the level is unloaded.

Remember to check for Direct3D leaks separately (which may use RAM/virtual-memory to store various things internally) with the debug device.

Also are you doing any manual “VirtualAlloc” calls yourself then with a custom allocator? Those will also bypass the debug features as you are calling the OS directly so it won't know the types, and it won't know how you split the memory up.

I never saw memory fragmentation like that, espiecally not in 64bit. You would need a pretty bad allocator (Windows I believe will now always default to low fragmentation heap) and an allocation pattern almost designed to cause fragmentation (although leaks could make fragmentation worse, as you now have long-lived bits scattered around you shouldn't have).

EDIT: If you are using custom allocators, this document describes how they can be integrated with the tools.

I took a snapshot before and after the next level loading and some variables have doubled or tripled compared to the moment before the level loading. But it does not explain why the app takes 300 MBytes before and 2 GBytes after the loading of the level.

The heap size before is at 70 MB and at 156 MB after.

CcomPtr works perfect for d3d9 (texture) objects

Crealysm game & engine development:

Looking for a passionate, disciplined and structured producer? PM me

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