
How do you add custom textures to objects? (Unreal Engine)

Started by February 19, 2020 11:21 PM
4 comments, last by splitriver 4 years, 10 months ago

I'm fairly new to using Unreal and have been trying to figure out how to add custom textures to objects. I've been trying to create a street just to start off with and so I created a simple model in blender and then imported that into Unreal. So now that I have an object to work on I have been trying to add a simple texture to my street (just a black rocky texture with some yellow dashed lines down the middle). However I have been using the Unreal Engine's material creator which is quite frustrating to use, so I was wondering if it was possible to import your own textures into Unreal instead of creating them from scratch within the engine? Does anyone know of any videos or sites that can help me out?

Second here. I decided to try Unreal and could not find a way to get a texture onto an object. Shouldn't it just be drag-and-drop from explorer/Finder into the main window? As a sidenote, compared to Xcode both Unity and Unreal run really hot on my Macbook Air (fan going crazy, keyboard too hot to touch). It's too bad I can't use them on the go even like that (nevermind on Android, on which I develop all the time; and this was my main complaint years ago.) I'm sticking with plain C++, but still would like to know for future professional reasons.


VoxycDev said:

As a sidenote, compared to Xcode both Unity and Unreal run really hot on my Macbook Air (fan going crazy, keyboard too hot to touch).

what kind of a comparison is that? XCode is a Textbased IDE, while Unreal and Unity are fully-fletched 3D editors. talking bout apples and oranges. of course a texteditor will consume less power than a 3d-editor that pretty much has to run the game All the time. thats like sayin „my car gets hotter than my bike, so I‘ll just hike work“.
you loose out on a lot of convenient functionality if you „just stick with C++“, and even then you would probably need an 3d editor at some point (unless your game is really simple and you like to manage resources/game-objects by editing files)

what kind of a comparison is that? XCode is a Textbased IDE, while Unreal and Unity are fully-fletched 3D editors. talking bout apples and oranges. of course a texteditor will consume less power than a 3d-editor that pretty much has to run the game All the time. thats like sayin „my car gets hotter than my bike, so I‘ll just hike work“.
you loose out on a lot of convenient functionality if you „just stick with C++“, and even then you would probably need an 3d editor at some point (unless your game is really simple and you like to manage resources/game-objects by editing files)

They compare because in either case they're the main tool I spend time working in. Xcode essentaily allows me to close the 3D window by closing the app and becomes quiet and battery-friendly. Unity, it seems, just cranks it all in at once even if there is nothing on the screen, and feels like battery will be gone in 2.0 hours or so. If Unity allowed you to stop the 3D to cool down and slow down a little, that would be helpful. It just makes a lot of cafe-type situations with uncertain power situations unsuitable.

For my own C++ games I do make my own editors and they do tend to churn like Unity, so I guess I'd also like to know what they're doing wrong so I can stop doing it too. Even with an empty scene.

This might help

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