Hello there, I appreciate all the help i can get, your input is valid to me.
To begin with i will describe what effect i wish to have then i will present the code i am working with.
I want my character to pickup a “weapon” which i am calling “Artifacts" in my game, i want that Artifact to go to their hands, when they pick up another artifact it goes to the inventory socket on the characters back, hip or arm. I attempted to add an int32 StorageSlotIndicator; to my Artifacts header file so that i could increment and have decrements to determine which StorageSlot should be used.
I can't figure out where to place the increments and decrements for this indicator, and where ever i seem to add it, it doesn't want to function the way i want as described above. Please help, What can i do? Is there a better way? Where should i increment and add decrements?
Thankyou for reading
here is the code:
Starting with the Artifact.h File::::::
Below is the Artifact.Cpp
CharacterBase.h & CharacterBase.cpp (Inventory Relevant Code Only)