trsh said:
but I don't want to mess with really low level complex stuff
This might be your problem anyways. If you try to build an engine, most of it is low-level stuff and I'm not a firend of using such “bring your own stuff but I offer this piece of XXX code” because engine architecture is a homogenous process to not being bugged at some point in development. I saw a lot of people in the past offering “their engine” to the world while the engine itself was just a bunch of thrid-party libraries and glue code. Don't do this!
The reason is simple, using different third-party libs to build a framework also means to use different coding philosophy. You don't know what happens under the hood if not studying the code, you don't know how memory (your most costly recourse) is managed and with some luck you end up with 3 different libraries using 3 different memory management models. There is a lot more stuff you have to take into account but in the end, all of your issues will be related to either memory or multithreading so learn to use them properly.
trsh said:
Im also aiming for consoles in future
This isn't possible on your professional level. There are homebrew frameworks covering some older hardware but to play with the big ones, you need to get access to their development SDKs, signing NDA and respect their terms of service; which cover to NOT publisch any code related to their SDKs. So getting a freeware library that is also put on GitHub is less likely as being hit by lightning.
An exception is Microsoft XBox because they use a simplified version of Windows 10 Kernel with DirectX and they are more open to indie developers than Sony or Nintendo but also have a less huge market share than the other ones.
My advice on driving such a project is doing it from scratch (like me) but don't expect it being simple (if done right). There are plenty of tutorials in the wild how to write a game engine from memory management for example from BitSquid Developers up to threading and rendering. Using helper libraries is ok in my opinion, so if you like to have something helping with graphics, use GLFW, it covers OpenGL and Vulkan and don't become fixed to go multiplatform too much. In real, it isn't worth it because most gaming these days happens on Windows and Mobile (setting Console Platforms aside because they aren't reachable for you at the moment).
Btw. it is necessary to mess with low-level stuff in order to go multiplatform!
Taking a look at big engies is also something really recommended. Taking a look at Unreal or CryEngine/ Lumberyard on GitHub is worth it, to see how they solved their code structure