
Hayfever - Steam Wishlist!

Started by November 18, 2019 08:11 PM
0 comments, last by Conny 5 years, 3 months ago


RELEASE IN: First Quarter of 2020


About Hayfever


Help Thomas the allergic mailman gather all his lost letters! In Hayfever, the player takes control of Thomas; a young postman with a strong sense of pride in his work. There is just one tiny little issue; Thomas suffers from terrible (and we mean TERRIBLE) allergies.

His allergies are so strong in fact, that when Thomas was delivering his daily mail, disaster struck. A massive sneeze sent Thomas flying, and in the process, he lost all his letters! Thomas’ boss Harvey is an ill-tempered little monster of a man. And it is up to the player to help Thomas avoid his wrath by collecting all his lost mail. Together with his friend Carlie, Thomas will venture on an epic journey that spans the entire year, taking him through each of the four seasons.

It is up to the player to use his allergies to help him traverse the dangerous world, turning Thomas’ weaknesses into strengths! Different allergens have different effects on Thomas - radically changing how he interacts with the world.
Regular pollen allows him to build up a big sneeze to propel himself through the air. Smog, on the other hand, makes him swell up like a balloon. Peanuts… Well, peanuts are a WHOLE other story.

About the Development & the Team


The game was mainly made by two people, Jonas Roininen and myself (Conny Nordlund. We've been teaming up with Kristoffer Engman (aka Knasibas) for music, Pablo Sorribes Bernhard for sound, and Filip Andersson for tools programming. We are currently at the home stretch with porting the game. We're sending it off to certification in two weeks (fingers crossed!)

The game has been in development for little over two years. I've been working on the game at night after work and Jonas has been on it full time for about a year. The journey has been really tough but also extremely exciting!

This has been our first game together. We have previous experience with game development but this was our first go at making something from the ground up together.. and actually finishing it. It all started with an extended game jam where we gave ourselves two weeks to finish something polished, worthy of actually pitching and showing off. Once we were done, we started showing the game at local places and quickly realized that kids loved the game.

So to try and make a long story short. We worked our butts off and we ended up pitching the game everywhere we got the chance to. We also entered every competition we could find. One of these competitions, we ended up getting first price and was awarded a booth at Gamescom 2018. We later got third place in Big Indie Pitch and was a Semi Finalist at Tencent's Game Without Borders. After all of this commotion, we bumped into a new publisher called Zordix. They loved the game and are now bringing the game to consoles.

If you have any questions about the game or the development, I'd be happy to answer. 

Hope you check the game out, I'll post another topic when the game releases :D It will be on consoles at the same time as the PC release.

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