Hi guys,
I'm creating a D3D11 device with D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG and D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_1. D3D11CreateDevice ends with S_OK. Everything works.
Then, I'm trying to create a vertex buffer with SRV and UAV bind/misc flags and it fails. I'm not getting any D3D errors in the output!
Of course, I've read all the threads here and on stackoverflow
- I have "Graphics Tools" installed
- Nothing fishy in dxcpl
- Of course I'm looking at the correct Visual Studio "Output" window
- d3d11_device.cpp( 178) - Log - New D3D11 device created: nVidia / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070
- core.cpp( 370) - Log - RenderDoc v1.5 Windows 64-bit Release (...) capturing application
Windows 10 1809. The only thing fishy is RenderDoc, could that be it?