
A Dev Team Needed

Started by October 17, 2019 07:37 PM
2 comments, last by TheAGamer39 5 years, 4 months ago

Hi, I'm currently working on this game by myself and was wondering if anyone wanted to help I'm looking for programmers, illustrators, pixel artists, sound designers and developers. I'm a young teen and I prefer to program, I have a basic idea for the game but need help creating it and giving it some more uniqueness. Basically the game is a 2D, could be 3D if someone can teach me how to code games in 3D, and a large world adventure game were you have to fight monsters to level up and collect increasingly powerful items . There is also going to be a mysterious part of the game where you have to find certain artefacts and decode messages to get the best gear. I really hope people are interested please join my discord server: or contact me via email; if you want to help. Hope you have a nice day!

2 hours ago, TheAGamer39 said:

could be 3D if someone can teach me how to code games in 3D

click me

I think you have to provide a little bit more information if you want to find people. Which engine/programming language are you using? What is already there? Is your code on GitHub? etc.


This is a unity project (unity is the engine I'm using) so the programming language is C# I have currently got the character movement and animations working and I'm implementing coin and gem collection and I'm also working on a start screen. If you want to know any other info please reply to this comment.

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