
Welcome to Windows XP!

Started by December 10, 2001 08:50 PM
42 comments, last by nes8bit 22 years, 9 months ago
quote: for moderating the forums...

Maximus I choose you!

Why, just because he uses windows? You know, I''d say a vast majority of the people in this forum use windows. A lot of them even as their primary OS. Hell, I''m using it right now, unfortunately... But that''s another story

rm -rf /bin/laden
quote: Original post by CmndrM
Why, just because he uses windows? You know, I''d say a vast majority of the people in this forum use windows. A lot of them even as their primary OS. Hell, I''m using it right now, unfortunately... But that''s another story

But wouldnt a Windows only user moderating a linux forum be something special for you people? We could compare the look of the KDE menu to the start menu!
-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
But I''m a windows facist so windows is better than linux! Perhaps you could support windows then I could support you

Where''s the Moderator HOW-TO?

I wanna'' ride on the pope mobile.
quote: Original post by nes8bit
But I''m a windows facist so windows is better than linux! Perhaps you could support windows then I could support you

Dont the child welfare laws say you must support me anyway?

-----------------------"When I have a problem on an Nvidia, I assume that it is my fault. With anyone else's drivers, I assume it is their fault" - John Carmack
quote: Original post by Maximus
Id have a linux install, but:

1) There are no drivers for my DVB receiver card (used for internet downstream)
2) Linux cant read and write to NTFS partitions
3) Im a lazy bitch
4) I''ll make up more exscuses later
5) I prefer windows ^_^

0wn 0wn 0wn your goat
gently down the pw33n

Edited by - Maximus on December 10, 2001 10:45:20 PM

Ok Linux can read NTFS partitions. And your right linux is not for lazy bleaches. Or comp illiterate bleaches. Why not write your own driver or get some one else to write it or get off your lazy bleach grass and do some flicking research.

I perfer Debian

Hey don''t get me wrong, windows xp is stable and all (me was pontless), and windows is great for novice computer users and non tech types, but that is about all. Once you start programming, linux should become the platform of choice because it''s just so good (especiall for development). (see if all the programmers used linux support for it would sky rocket)

{-_-} now flame {-_-}

It is foolish for a wise man to be silent, but wise for a fool.


All your Xbox base are belong to Microsoft.
It is foolish for a wise man to be silent, but wise for a fool.
quote: Original post by CmndrM

Why, just because he uses windows? You know, I''d say a vast majority of the people in this forum use windows. A lot of them even as their primary OS. Hell, I''m using it right now, unfortunately... But that''s another story

I''m using Linux right now. All of my machines use it as their primary or only OS (exluding my iBook, which runs OS X). Use VMWare or wine when I''m forced to use windows at all.

Perhaps I''m the exception?
nessie, during your short stay as the mod of this forum, you had better enforce my rules, one of which is no discussion about distrobutions. Kill this thread now, or you shall pay the price.

After careful deliberation, I have come to the conclusion that Nazrix is not cool. I am sorry for any inconvienience my previous mistake may have caused. We now return you to the original programming

Jesus, just make me moderator already. You people make the [H]ard forums look like a haven of enlightenment.

By the way, XP is for soccer moms and AIM is for 13 year old girls.
Okay, to be serious for a moment:

  • It was time for Godfree^ to be removed as the moderator.
  • I was talking to nes8bit at the time, and needed someone to replace Nurgle. I thought it''d be funny if he were made the moderator until I could find a permanent choice. If you don''t think this has been funny, then my apologies, but it''s been restricted to this one thread (and Tim assures me it''ll stay that way). Besides, what better motivation to find a new moderator quickly?

I need a permanent moderator for this forum. So far, CmmdrM and Oluseyi have been suggested. I can think of others who might be a good fit as well, but I''ll let the people who frequent this forum make the recommendations. Send me your suggestions via e-mail or post here, and I''ll make my decision in the morning.

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