I've seen a lot of threads on these forums, in which people suggest using FSMs, Behavior Trees, or some of the newer approaches out there like Utility AI (thanks Dave. ). These are excellent and powerful tools, with long records of success.
But in 11 years of AAA dev, every project I've worked on has used it's own, custom AI solution. Some were similar to these well established ones, but some were quite different.
Most of these custom solutions, being proprietary, never see the light of day. Some are very optimized, specialized solutions - only useful in the niche game for which they were designed. But some are very general purpose, and re-used from title to title. I've often thought that, like BTs and Utility AI, some of these custom studio solutions could compete with FSMs, BTs, etc. as widely used - general purpose approaches if they were made public.
So I'm wondering: Without giving confidential specifics, how many of you have worked on teams that used custom, general-purpose ai solutions? Is it as ubiquitous as it's been in my career?