Would like some input on a clean method for Emulating the Graphics Pipeline state Object for DX11, so my current render enigne works using handls such that:
// Just using blend as example!
bool m_AlphaToCoverageEnable = false;
bool m_IndependentBlendEnable = false;
// Graphics Device blend functions
class GraphicsDevice
SlotMap<IF3DBlendState> m_BlendStates; //Init calls constructor setting number like max 128
BlendStateHandle CreateBlendState(const BLEND_DESC* pDesc);
void DestoryBlendState(BlendStateHandle handle);
IF3DBlendState* AccessBlendState(const BlendStateHandle& handle); //Custom object
VertexShaderHandle m_VertexShader;
PixelShaderHandle m_PixelShader;
DomainShaderHandle m_DomainShader;
HullShaderHandle m_HullShader;
GeometryShaderHandle m_GeometryShader;
ComputeShaderHandle m_GeometryShader;
BlendStateHandle m_BlendState;
RasterizerStateHandle m_RasterizerState;
DepthStencilStateHandle m_DepthStencilState;
InputLayoutHandle m_InputLayout;
Uint32 m_RenderTargetCount = 0; //DX12 Only
SURFACE_FORMAT m_RenderTargetFormats[8] = {}; //DX12 only
Uint32 m_SampleMask = 0xFFFFFFFF;
Okay so this would work, as the Blend object stores the desc for DX12 and a native ptr (it’s actually a Uint32 to be cast for GL, DX, Vulkan etc) however the issue comes with the deletion.
I would be nice for the Pipeline state object to be like DX12 where you can just call release or in my case m_Device->DesotryPipelineState(PipelineStateHandle); etc.
However, internally for DX11 each state is stored as a native pointer and would need cleaning up, again this is fine if every blend state was unique but there not, in have gone the way of DXTK with common states:
class CommonStates
static GraphicsDevice* m_GraphicsDevice;
// Blend states.
static BlendStateHandle m_Opaque;
static BlendStateHandle m_AlphaBlend;
static BlendStateHandle m_Additive;
static BlendStateHandle m_NonPremultiplied;
// Depth stencil states.
static DepthStencilStateHandle m_DepthNone;
static DepthStencilStateHandle m_DepthDefault;
static DepthStencilStateHandle m_DepthRead;
// Rasterizer states.
static RasterizerStateHandle m_CullNone;
static RasterizerStateHandle m_CullClockwise;
static RasterizerStateHandle m_CullCounterClockwise;
static RasterizerStateHandle m_Wireframe;
// Sampler states.
static SamplerStateHandle m_PointWrap;
static SamplerStateHandle m_PointClamp;
static SamplerStateHandle m_LinearWrap;
static SamplerStateHandle m_LinearClamp;
static SamplerStateHandle m_AnisotropicWrap;
static SamplerStateHandle m_AnisotropicClamp;
static void Initalize(const GraphicsDevice* device);
static void ShutDown();
// Blend states.
static BlendStateHandle Opaque();
static BlendStateHandle AlphaBlend();
static BlendStateHandle Additive();
static BlendStateHandle NonPremultiplied();
// Depth stencil states.
static DepthStencilStateHandle DepthNone();
static DepthStencilStateHandle DepthDefault();
static DepthStencilStateHandle DepthRead();
// Rasterizer states.
static RasterizerStateHandle CullNone();
static RasterizerStateHandle CullClockwise();
static RasterizerStateHandle CullCounterClockwise();
static RasterizerStateHandle Wireframe();
// Sampler states.
static SamplerStateHandle PointWrap();
static SamplerStateHandle PointClamp();
static SamplerStateHandle LinearWrap();
static SamplerStateHandle LinearClamp();
static SamplerStateHandle AnisotropicWrap();
static SamplerStateHandle AnisotropicClamp();
So as you can imagine when PipelineState destroy is called it would need to figure out whether to destroy or not, this is easy in dx12 but more troublesome in dx11. You could suggest using reference counting but i feel that defeats the point in handles which are suppose to be simple objects. Forceing user to store all there data manually and releasing them is another option but feels a bit unclean.
Would appreciate any perspectives on the subject!