Hi guys,
I get the code from StackOverflow to convert RGB (camera image) to RGBA
public static unsafe void RGB2RGBA_FastConvert4(int pixelCount, byte[] rgbData, byte[] rgbaData)
if ((pixelCount & 3) != 0) throw new ArgumentException();
fixed (byte* rgbP = &rgbData[0], rgbaP = &rgbaData[0])
FastConvert4Loop(pixelCount, rgbP, rgbaP);
static unsafe void FastConvert4Loop(long pixelCount, byte* rgbP, byte* rgbaP)
for (long i = 0, offsetRgb = 0; i < pixelCount; i += 4, offsetRgb += 12)
uint c1 = *(uint*)(rgbP + offsetRgb);
uint c2 = *(uint*)(rgbP + offsetRgb + 3);
uint c3 = *(uint*)(rgbP + offsetRgb + 6);
uint c4 = *(uint*)(rgbP + offsetRgb + 9);
((uint*)rgbaP)[i] = c1 | 0xff000000;
((uint*)rgbaP)[i + 1] = c2 | 0xff000000;
((uint*)rgbaP)[i + 2] = c3 | 0xff000000;
((uint*)rgbaP)[i + 3] = c4 | 0xff000000;
And Convert RGB to RGBA like this:
byte[] rgb = new byte[800*600*3];
byte[] rgba = new byte[800*600*4];
RGB2RGBA_FastConvert4(800 * 600, rgb, rgba);
But i need to convert RGB TO ARGB too, so anybody can please help me?