
How to find investors to build a very expensive game?

Started by August 16, 2019 06:15 PM
26 comments, last by multimedia.capitalworks 5 years, 3 months ago

I've built a document where I explain everything about it: any functionality and gameplay. I've finished the project and all the design

It's a common mantra that ideas do not have much value. The implementation of the design is what is valuable. The exception to this rule is if your design document includes every micro-detail including the programming implementation, database structure, and art assets. So why don't you share a synopsis of your project such as what would be shared on a crowd-sourcing platform?

On topic, you can form a company and sell stocks to investors, but it seems impossible for you to acquire a million USD. Facebook was made by one person, so why can't you also create the entire project with place holder assets until you convince investors to fund the project? You said you already finished the project and all the design, but I am not sure exactly what you mean.

4 hours ago, Euthyphro said:

It's a common mantra that ideas do not have much value. The implementation of the design is what is valuable. The exception to this rule is if your design document includes every micro-detail including the programming implementation, database structure, and art assets. So why don't you share a synopsis of your project such as what would be shared on a crowd-sourcing platform?

On topic, you can form a company and sell stocks to investors, but it seems impossible for you to acquire a million USD. Facebook was made by one person, so why can't you also create the entire project with place holder assets until you convince investors to fund the project? You said you already finished the project and all the design, but I am not sure exactly what you mean.

My design document includes many micro-details (not all but I can easily complete it in a month) on the tech side. Quite less on the art side (graphics, sounds, a well detailed story, dialogues etc.), this because I'm not an all-in-one, obviously I'm not able to do everything with equal quality.

Yes, Crowdsourcing is an idea. I'm looking for any possible alternative and choose the right one!

Facebook was created by one person, yes, but facebook is not a game, it just requires good programmers, at least to start. In my idea of good game even the smallest SFX have to be perfect (as far as possible).


Another alternative: pitch your idea to a company with the resources. You can be like the guy who created Flaming Hot Cheetos.

As to whether or not "Facebook" (the core social media mechanics) is a game, it is programmatically indistinguishable. It has images, audio, a database, a server, and mechanics in which players can interact. My point is that you can make the entire thing by yourself without a doubt.

It is also true that games of the magnitude of Starcraft 2 (Little War Game) or Harvest Moon (Stardew Valley) can be made by a single person.

Lastly, professional software developers aren't even sure what mechanics in a game are "fun" until they have been fleshed out, so how can you even be so sure the game is worth a million dollars? Look at Diablo 3's release, an utter disaster outside of paid review sites such as IGN. That was a team consisting of over a hundred years software-writing experience.

On 8/24/2019 at 2:04 PM, Euthyphro said:

Facebook was made by one person

Be careful with that: One person did not create "Facebook, the global all-encompassing social network for over a billion users". One person created "Thefacebook, a student directory for Harvard students". Zuckerberg stopped working alone less then a month from the website launch. And I'm pretty sure he didn't start with the design document for the $100 billion worth website.

The last game company I went on interview with just had some "chill dude" who paid for everything. They just had to follow his lead in every way without complaining about him recruiting people based on looks rather than skills.

On 8/17/2019 at 12:51 PM, DerTroll said:

Start programming whatever you intend to create. You will soon find out yourself, that a lot of things consume so much more time than originally expected.

This x1000

50% of that time will be spent debugging 90% of the time.


Hi! In my past life I was a banker and investor, and have been experimenting with helping gamers craft and pitch airtight financial business plans for their projects! The link is below, but feel free to shoot me a note if you'd like to bounce some ideas off each other.


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