Start programming whatever you intend to create. You will soon find out yourself, that a lot of things consume so much more time than originally expected. It needs a lot of experience to know how much time you are really going to need. A lot of people try an MMORPGs as the first project and think they'll create the next WoW on their own in 3 years because they have so cool ideas that are so much better than the original game... until reality punches them into the face and the project is canceled.
1 hour ago, fgnm said:I've already a bachelor’s degree, and in the next year I'll get the master’s degree
So you don't have the time to work fulltime on your project for the next year. Don't get me wrong, but no investor cares about you having a master's degree. Why should they? It doesn't tell them if you are worth the money you are asking for. A serious investor needs more than an idea that looks promising. He needs the confidence, that you are actually capable to realize this idea. The only way you can prove this is by realizing projects.
1 hour ago, fgnm said:Why should I "forget it"?
I would rather say postpone it for the next 10 years. Start small. Find out, what your project needs to be accomplished and try to make small subprojects out of it. For example, if you want to use a super special physics engine in your main project, make a small game out of this physics engine itself. This will show possible investors, that you can finish what you have started, you will make a lot of experiences regarding the realization of game projects and if you get lucky, you will also make some money that you can put into your main project.