Almost two years ago, I've imagined a game. Something that goes quite beyond the simple idea of "game", I've imaged a community, a society. I've spent the last two years to make a project of my idea. I've built a document where I explain everything about it: any functionality and gameplay.
Soon I've realized that this "social revolution", as I have in mind, cannot be created by a single person (or few) and cannot be created with a little investment (100k$ are very few...). So, now that I've finished the project and all the design I'm wondering: how can I produce that?
A very hard question for me, and I need some help. First, I'm a programmer (soon will graduate in MoS in Computer Science), but I'm a designer too. So, for many aspects I can contribute in the development not just as a game designer or producer but also as programmer and technical. Indeed, there are some core function that I must develop from myself (i.e. the in-game currency that should follow my own algorithm).
What I need? I need just someone that believe in my idea and sees how big could be. I've designed everything, from landscape to gamers' psychology, and I'm sure that if I will explain my project to anyone smart, he/she will understand its potential. An important thing (I hope :D) is that my primary aim are not the monies but improve people's life, the game could be of course a gold mine just as like Facebook. I'm willing to transfer all royalties to anyone will accept, a pact that it will be developed exactly as I want.
So, the real question is: where I can find investors in gaming industry? (Events, forums, chats, anything I can use to find the person I need) Have you any tips? Have you some real life examples?
Many thanks, we can discuss
I hope that this is the right section, if not, please move my thread.