I was trying to implement text rendering and thought I was really smart using instancing in order to improve performance. Jesus, I couldn't have been more wrong than that. The question is: What is the best approach now? Do I really have to go the "OpenGL 1.1" route and upload every character model repeatedly to a VBO?
The initial idea was that every character is basically a "quad" rendered at a specific "position", with character specific "scale" and "textureCoordinates". The idea was to save the character specific data in an uniform vec4 array on the shader side, accessed with a single "characterIndex" that is sent per instance in order to save performance by not sending tons of duplicate data. It works, but it is really slow and I think the problem is accessing the array:
#version 310
uniform mat4 projectionMatrix;
uniform mat4 worldMatrix;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;
in vec4 in_Position;
in vec2 in_TextureCoord;
in float characterIndex;
in float advance;
uniform vec2[256] texturePosData;
uniform vec2[256] scaleData;
out vec2 pass_TextureCoord;
void main(void) {
int index = int(characterIndex);
vec2 texturePos = texturePosData[index];
vec2 scale = scaleData[index];
gl_Position = projectionMatrix * worldMatrix * modelMatrix * vec4(in_Position.x * scale.x + advance, in_Position.y * scale.y, in_Position.zw);
pass_TextureCoord = in_TextureCoord * scale + texturePos;
By just rendering a few strings, the FPS went from 60 to 5. The question is: What do I do now? Is it a better approach to pack and send the arrays (2*vec2) in a VBO to the shader?
I tried to avoid just that, because a string with "AAAAAAAA" i.e. sends a bunch of duplicate data, where before, only the index referenced a specific character. So there is not only much more to upload for every rendered string, there is also 4 times more data to be prepared on the CPU side.
Thank you very much