
(Rev-Share/Kickstarter) 3D Character Artist For FPS

Started by July 08, 2019 09:43 PM
0 comments, last by Data7 Games 5 years, 7 months ago

Project DescriptioN
Rift One is a first person shooter science fiction game where you, mark maxin are forced to enter a portal to another world. One thing leads to another, and now you are stuck fighting fantastic beasts, and creepy aliens.

Some links about us and the project:



3D Character Artist:
We are looking for a 3D Character Modeler to create and polish 3D characters for the game. You will be collaborating with the team in creating 3D characters

1. Create & rig 3D characters.
2. Skinning and un-wrapping of models created.
3. Make adjustments to created models when required.

Apply Here:

Or email us at

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