Hi guys,
I've been using the Fbx SDK to extract animation info and it's been working fine. Now that I'm up to IK solvers I've found that I have to bake my animation when exporting (from 3ds Max) or I can't get the proper keyframe data. I don't mind baking but I'm having some issues.
If I have a simple rig for a leg (thigh, knee, foot bones) and setup an HI IK solver from the foot_end to the foot, and another from the foot to the thigh, I can move the thigh down (like a squat) and the foot stays planted as it should. It works perfectly when I scrub the timeline in 3ds Max. In my game the foot goes in to the floor a little, the deeper the squat the deeper the foot goes.
I'm wondering if I avoid the bake, and do the evaluations myself with the Fbx SDK, whether or not it will be better. I would just try it but I know it's going to be complicated (like all things Fbx) and it would be pointless if it gave me the same results as the bake.
I don't know what to do. I'm not doing anything weird so I don't see why it doesn't work like it should.
Any help would be great.