
Looking for someone to start an old-style RPG game project

Started by June 30, 2019 07:02 PM
4 comments, last by Gin Hindew 110 5 years, 7 months ago

Hi there !

What am I looking for?

I am looking for someone motivated, full of crazy ideas, who love old rpg games such as, Illusion of Time, Terranigma, Secret of Evermore... and wants to spend some time shaping a conceptual idea of an old-style rpg game to further develop it with Unity. I am not looking for a particular talent, but experience and motivation to work in the different areas (programming, art, game design, map design, story...). Of course, everyone has a particular motivation/talent. In my case, I do love the programming part. This is why, if you are interested in working with me, I would like to know what is your main talent, in which areas of game development have you been working on, if you have been a solo developer and why do you develop games (this one is important for me :) ) . I am not looking for a big team, just 1 or 2 people maximum with who or whom I can spend a nice time doing what I like the most. 

A bit of myself

Since I am new in this forum, here it comes a bit of myself and my game development experience. First of all, I want to make clear that I develop games as a hobby on my free time after work. This means that I cannot be involved in a full-time project, but rather a long-term ambicious project. I have been working mostly as a solo developer but also in small teams developing different types of games with RPG Maker XP (Ruby), Unity (C#) and also using 2D libraries (C++) (SDL, Allegro...). I am mainly a programmer, that is actually what I love the most from game development, but I also have a lot experience in pixel-art and game design. Years of working as a solo developer made me grow in different areas apart from programming, but most important, made me enjoy them as part of the process of developing a game. 

Thank you for reading ! If you are interested, please leave a message here or PM me, we can discuss further details. I can, of course, show you my old projects if you want to check my experience/skills.



I am an experienced writer myself in both the creative field and in journalism. If this in an RPG then I assume there will be a lot of story and dialogue involved. I can certainly help with that. I already wrote and designed quests for OMC Games' Skullforge From my own project I was working on I also designed and drew out the levels so I can do level design as well. I love it as much as writing.


I am a writer and also do some game design and i have been building some lore and mechanics for an rpg, i was thinking of posting it and actualizing it over time because i was also thinking of making it as a long term project and to find people who could use it for a game so i may as well post some of it here


The idea is a standard save-the-dying-world story with the heroes gathering the mcguffins to revitalize it and the bad guys gathering them to take that power for themselves and achieve godhood, the player however starts as a member of an organization called The Sunset Fortress who believe the world is dying because it moves in cycles of destruction and resurrection as a natural development, so, if the heroes succeed the world will reset into the age of humanity once more and wont evolve but if the villains succeed they will indeed become gods but a chunk of the world will be missing as it would become part of their powers, the heroes are stagnation and the villains are a decreasement of the world, the Sunset Fortress aims to survive and be transformed into a new species suited for the new world


The gameplay would be a combination of traditional rpg and base building, with the player going out to gather the mcguffins to power up and grow the fortress while fending off the villains and heroes, the fortress is a bunker and a ship that moves underground pushed by the forced of the planet's mantle so the heroes and villains have to find them and assault them every time the player gathers enough mcguffins


The story would have two parts, one before the end of the world and one after it's rebirth, the idea is that the heroes and villains also survived and became transformed and now want to plunder the powers of the new world to become new entities more suited to their old ideals while the Sunset Fortress wants space for the new civilizations to expand


The overall theme of the story is to accept retirement in order to let the new generations grow


About the mechanics i was thinking in using consumables on a more active way by combining them with spells, for example, boosting healing magic by combining  a sell with a potion or boosting fire magic by combining a fireball with an explosive item, the idea is to avoid becoming a walking warehouse and to add an extra mechanic for variety's sake

Hi Gin Hindew,

Thank you for your reply and your interest in the project, however I already team up with a writer and we are currently working on the story and game style. As I stated in the main post, I am looking for a small group of people, at least to start developing the game, so unfortunately we do not need another writer. What we are actually looking for now is for a motivated artist !

3 hours ago, EdenDev said:

Hi Gin Hindew,

Thank you for your reply and your interest in the project, however I already team up with a writer and we are currently working on the story and game style. As I stated in the main post, I am looking for a small group of people, at least to start developing the game, so unfortunately we do not need another writer. What we are actually looking for now is for a motivated artist !

i can do concept art... but you are looking for a motivated artist, which im not, so ok, i'll go back to sleep

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