Hey everyone!
Found this on Google and thought I'd share this here. Figured it might be useful for other newbie game designers like me still figuring stuff out.
Game design resources and other stuff.
I haven't read all the books but I did read Level Up!. Thought it was a great and easy read, although Game Feel was the better read for me cause I'm more of an 'intuition' designer than a technical one. So it resonated with me the most I guess?
I've also been watching a lot of Game Maker's Toolkit and Ask Gamedev (discovered them on my own on YouTube). Never seen the others, so can't comment. I think Ask Gamedev is really great. Found a lot of platforms that I think are ideal to distribute my upcoming game on thanks to them. Snowman Gaming: I'm not really into the vlogging style of content creation; II prefer lists and step by step advice kinda stuff, so that's why Ask Gamedev appeals to me. But he's great as well! Just a matter of personal taste.
What do you guys think about the other YouTube channels and books listed? IMHO, they're all probably great. But I'm just deciding on what stuff to invest my time in, since I work a boring 9-5! Thoughts?
P.S. Really appreciate the effort that all of them put into their content.