Advertisement will be 20 years old on June 15 ?

Started by June 12, 2019 12:38 AM
44 comments, last by PalAkiAgg 3 years, 7 months ago

These have been really cool to read, so thank you all for posting! :) I hope more trickle in over time.

When did you join?

5pm PST June 15, 1999 when we redirected Sweet.Oblivion and the other game programming sites to the server. @Myopic Rhino, @Nick Murphy, and I had been running SO for about 2 years or so. SO was a merger of our individual sites. If I think all the way back to the very early formation of the universe, I think it was originally @Myopic Rhino's idea to collaborate.

What brought you here?

A passion for games and the technology behind game development, particularly in graphics and gameplay/simulation. My roots go back to learning from the 1990s demo scene and mode 13h. Who needs more than 320x240?

Why do I participate?

To give back. To learn and be inspired by the many who participate. To keep this community thriving.

Admin for

I just joined yesterday. I just actually found it through google yesterday. It seemed pretty chill so I joined.




Wow.  It's been a long time!

When did you join?

I think I joined some time back in 1999.  I remember when the landing page was a link to three different sites - GameDev, the game dictionary, and some other site I can't remember.  (NeHe maybe?).

What brought you here?

My cousin who was into software development sent me a link to the site.  I was interested in making my own games.  A more interesting question woudl be "What kept you here?".  To that, I'd say the Active Topics.  It's been ages since I've logged in and checked the place out, but the Active Topics were always my favourite.  I used to sit there and refresh them every few minutes.

Why do I participate?

Honestly, I haven't in a long time.  Since I last posted on here, I think I got married, got a Masters in Computer Science, had three kids (all now still under the age of five), and am working full time as a senior dev doing software for the agricultural industry.  (How exciting, I know!).  I'd love to get back into game development, but the learning curve seems... steep.  And "spare" time isn't really a thing anymore.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've been on here.  Like a long time.  I'm glad to see this place is still around.

When did you join?

Some time in 2003 I think. 17 years, damn!

What brought you here?

I was just learning how to code and got into Direct3D and OpenGL programming. Wanted to make games...

Why do I participate?

Liked the community. idk | [email="matt[nospam]@pixelwrench[nospam]com"]email[/email] lethalhamster: gamedev keeps taking my money, but im too lazy to not let them

I first learned of gamedev, I think, from an andre lamothe book. Around, 2000. Been here on and off since.

When did you join?

I joined in 2007, after having lurked around for many years, since ~2002 when I had started with OpenGL and Delphi at high school ? I finally needed to ask a question, I reckon.

What brought you here?

Google or links on other portals like NeHe, Gamasutra, smaller ‘national’ game dev portals? Can't remember, it was almost a lifetime ago! I registered to ask something and I never stopped asking ?

Why do I participate?

This is the ultimate place (not only) for graphics programming advice, I'm learning a lot and I'm trying to give back whenever I can and know. I amn't going anywhere! I like the discussions and attitude here ?

In the meantime I went through a technical university, got my master's in computer engineering/computer graphics and I landed jobs in two studios, the recent one being an AAA (is 8 years recent?)

Keep it going guys and THANK YOU for all those years!


Sure it's been a while…

When did you join?
Oct. 19, 2007

What brought you here?
I think I got here cause of NeHe OpenGL tutorial.

Why do I participate?
I barely had enough understanding C/C++, graphics, and game programming (and most likely still am), and I had a huge interest to crush the boundary just cause I want to understand them properly. The community seemed to be the most active so I stayed for a while.

The other sub-forums are also nice and can give fast and nice responses, such as Writing and Music that I had been into, so it's pretty much all-in-one.

Anyway, thanks for all this time.

Thank you!

June 2003, IIRC.

And the funny thing is I think I had a login before then, but forgot what it was :-)

enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

When did you join?
I officially joined in 2004. Before that, I'm pretty sure that I was a read-only member. Browse through tutorial and stuffs. I later joined because I was having an issue in my project and needs some good advices.

What brought you here?
I was a member of (and a moderator at one point) a local game development forum. There were a lot of disucussion over there that led me to tutorials on

Why do I participate?
To be honest, it's probably because of my bad habit :-). I tends to step-in where I see discussions.

Ha , joined way back in back in the days of Nehe ,and Sweet Oblivion and from the begining.

I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.

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