Advertisement will be 20 years old on June 15 ?

Started by June 12, 2019 12:38 AM
44 comments, last by PalAkiAgg 3 years, 7 months ago

When did you join?

I joined in October 1999, while in college studying Computer Science.  I was also working as a developer at a local gambling games company at the time, and learning DirectX (mainly DirectDraw).

What brought you here?

I don't actually remember how I found the site, but I do remember sometime in my first year or so, me and a coworker of mine discovered an article "Why plugable factories rock my multiplayer world!" that completely took me to the next level as a programmer. (the article didn't do it all by itself, but it kicked off a sequence of learning and trying things over the next 6 months that was the most learning and growth I've had in a similar period ever.  I also really enjoyed the NeHe articles on OpenGL which I used to learn OpenGL for a job a few years later.

Why do you participate? 

I don't really participate much currently.  I've been in corperate america developer gigs since about 2003, when I switched from C++ and embedded systems to C# and web based / service oriented software development.  I maintained my game dev / C++ skills for another 4-5 years after that, but once I had my daughter I simply haven't had enough time to keep up with all of my hobbies and passions.  I have however learned a little unity 3d because a friend of mine now works in the industry, and in fact participated in a game jam a few years back, and just this year built a clone of an old bar top game "color invasion".  As for why ... the participation I've been doing since 2002 is almost all just to enjoy interacting with people, and mainly to help answer questions for beginners and intermediate developers.  Although I do find the brand new member's constant repeated questions sometimes frustrating, I love when someone is just on the cusp of "getting it" and you can give them a few insights into how to level up.

When did you join?

I joined late in March 2012, but i knew since ~2000. Thats the the time i started doing tons and tons of OpenGL development.

What brought you here?

Initially the NeHe tutorials brought me here, which lead me eventually to other articles and forum topics.

Why do you participate?

In ~2011 i started doing heavy physics programming and had a lot of trouble with, so i joined the forums to get help.
Eventually i started answering some questions myself and posted some projects of mine to get feedback. or just to giving somethink back to this awesome community.

Nowadays i am not that active very much, but i reguraly visit this site, thus reading articles/posts and answering some questions if i can.

8 hours ago, Finalspace said:

Initially the NeHe tutorials brought me here

Ahhhh. The NeHe tutorials... so good! :)

EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
Still Flying - My GameDev journal
The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG

On 6/12/2019 at 7:37 PM, lawnjelly said:

Related to fatbabies? I remember that site, it was funny but I don't think I had a login after it morphed to chaosengine. :)

Nope, I was actually a big Bitmap Brothers fan as a kid. Ironically, the game itself wasn't great, but I thought the name was cool :)

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

When did you join?

Back in 2006 (geez I was young and dumb back then)...

What brought you here?

NeHe tutorials (some weren't translated to Czech language at the time - and as I also speak English (and German - but the German translation was hard to read!) - GameDev had English one).

Also there was image of the day topic, and I thought myself - why not go there and show what I'm doing. So I posted screenshots of my demo project, it made it into Image of the Day and people liked it. I was so happy for that at the time! ?

Why do you participate?

Of course, is the most important piece for my ultimate goal - to build killer robots, destroy Earth and conquer the Galaxy.

Now seriously, when I joined I was young, really young (I was still visiting elementary school!) - there were no communities around at my age in software. I was lurking around, posting image of the day, trying to help sometimes ... and doing a bit of trash talking in lounge.

GameDev is something I grew up with for past 13 years - first I used GameDev as community where I could present my hobby, get some feedback, ask questions ... then I started answering, wrote article from time to time, and so on... I got used to it and I do that from time to time, although I'm not really active member (sadly, I can't really post all interesting topics I'd like to write about as most of what I do is classified), but I still lurk around on almost daily basis.

For me, GameDev always was and is the most accepting, most friendly and most polite communities that are out there (which is funny - because I have most likely never met any of you personally). Newbies are not mocked, criticism is constructive and there is very low trolling and toxicity levels.

Kudos to the moderators and everyone here.

My current blog on programming, linux and stuff -

I had been visiting some of the independent, pre-GDNet sites as a 28-year-old wannabe game programmer just learning my way around C and Java. IIRC, I saw an announcement on one of the sites around the time GDNet launched. I believe at the time, I was spending most of my bandwidth at Andre LaMothe's XTreme Games forums, so it was a while before I finally got around to signing up here in October. Eventually, I was visiting here every day and did so for several years until life got in the way. I still check in from time to time, still mostly the lurker I've always been.

Congratulations on keeping it going so long!

On 6/13/2019 at 7:48 AM, Eck said:

Ahhhh. The NeHe tutorials... so good! :)

Wasn't there a DirectX equivalent NeXe?


When did you join?

Either late 1999 or early 2000. Lost the original account, and created this one in 2002 I think.

What brought you here?

Tutorials, and the only game developer community I could find online.

Why do you participate?

I was pretty active back. Lots of things going on here: ATI sludge ads, Hot Chicks thread, old timers antics. It's just force of habits now that I check back once in a while.

31 minutes ago, alnite said:

Wasn't there a DirectX equivalent NeXe?

There was, although never quite as comprehensive if I recall correctly. :)

- Jason Astle-Adams

When did you join?

I officially joined in March, 2005.  I had participated in the forums since about 2001, because back then they provided the option for anonymous posting. 

What brought you here?

Primarily social reasons through IRC.  I was already a moderator on Undernet's #C, #C++, #gamedev, and some other channels. I was invited over to the version on the AfterNET network, although I didn't care for it at first.  At that point I was already developing games in school, one of my projects included a networked space shooter in astronaut-style, which I tinkered on both in my graphics class (OpenGL) and network programming classes.

Secondarily, I used articles and references the site had collected, there is a tremendous collection both here on the main site and on the older site.

I recall discussions like in chat when Washu's tentacle issues became legendary, and watched as an "I'm bored" post grew into the "eat rope" joke.  There were people who would ask what to do with their medical conditions, although that never made sense to me. (If you discover you've got a tumor that looks like an additional organ growing inside your privates, why would you post that on a game development site rather than a medical site or actually going to a real life doctor?)  There were also the game dev comic strips that ran for a while, showcasing common themes of the site like the consequences of talking too much about your reputation score.

The web site wasn't founded until after I had graduated, but I was active on the site before I found my first game industry job.

Why do you participate

I enjoy teaching and helping, so again mostly for social reasons. There are a lot of connections to people within the industry, and it is a great place to ask technical questions and to receive technical answers.

Over the decades I have switched over from bright-eyed recent college graduate to grizzled veteran, so I rarely post my own questions although that still happens on occasion.

I still remember my surprise back in the early days when I was frustrated on an issue with NAT punch-through, and after reading the seminal article on, I asked a question here on the site only to have the original author help me through the troublesome code.  

We have a lot of experts on a lot of topics on this site.  It's a fun place to have technical discussions with other smart people.

When did you join?
I joined in 2010, a little greener and a lot younger.

What brought you here?
If i remember, i found this site on Google, when searching for advice on how to create multiplayer online games. I found several articles saying not to do it, was intrigued by the detail people went into about it, and signed up.

Why do I participate?
I participate to contribute back to the gamedev community, give advice to those who are starting out, and to spread the word about my projects by creating blogs and articles. I also enjoy getting feedback from the rest of the community, constructive criticism given here has helped shape my games for the better over the years.

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