
[Yami Team] Looking for Animators and more!

Started by March 25, 2019 07:21 AM
0 comments, last by Zeath Sanford 5 years, 11 months ago


[Project Name]: Yami

Program/Language: Unity using C#, version 2018.2.10F1, GitHub use for version control.

Roles Required: [ Animation, others ]


•[Animator]: 2D, Pixel Art and Vector if possible we have all other role positions filled and are generating tons of art without an we are in need of animation of that artwork

•[Special Role]: We need someone who is interested in documentation we have a writer but we need someone to help with organizing documents and meeting times.

•[All other roles]: There is always room for someone of different skill sets not listed if we see your application we may just add you we always email you as soon as possible after you apply.


[Project Description]: ``


[Recruiting New Members Form] :


[Genres]: MetroidVania/Puzzle/2D



1. Trello is used for organization

2. Git and Sourctree: to share the project and work on branches

3. GoogleDrive: to share files and documents

4. Unity


Yami is a multiplayer, MetroidVania, adventure game, focusing on puzzle-based discovery through the usage of platforming, portals, and lore puzzles as you progress. Players will control two characters, Yuki and Yuyo, who are brothers who can each control Yami powers, although differently. Yuki, the older sibling, has a pure version of the Yami magic, while Yuyo has a corrupted version.


Team size: 10

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