As stated, I'm looking for potential opportunities to just learn &/or recieve income, as well as make some game dev friends!
I am an eager to learn amateur, my only experience is in modding Nintendo games (Zelda Wind Waker, or ALTTP) using primarily Autodesk 3DS Max.
I doubt I could create high detail models or textures, I much prefer simplistic characters with solid color, often cel shading.
I believe I am decent at optimizing models and textures, I am not very familiar with code but I'm not dumb (In the event file formats need to be converted, etc).
I can attempt to create low detail sprites and adhere to specific palettes. (24x40 pixels maximum)
I have not yet put together a portfolio, and intend to in future.
If you would like for me to try and work with you, you can contact me at or InTheBeef#1252 (discord).
note if you view my media on twitter you can see a few things I've made/modified.