AFAIK there are no plans to discontinue DX11 in favor of DX12. Likely both APIs will remain, but can somebody confirm this?
I've used Vulkan with GTX 670, and it performed as expected. I think there is no support for GTX4xx, not sure about 5xx. AMD 5870 performed great.
But i'm mainly about compute performance, i just noted nothing special with the very basic rendering i have.
But i'm pretty sure low level can at least match high level if you do it right. I would make the decision as following:
Want Raytracing? -> DX12 / VK
Be a AAA dev? -> save time and choose DX11, because it's less work and NV will optimize the driver for your game.
Neither of the above? Want things like async compute and proper multithreading -> DX12/VK. No need for this, then go the easy way and use DX11.