I have a diagnosed math disability and I really struggled with PreCalculus this semester. I know I won't be doing much with Calculus as software engineer because I don't want to be involved professionally with a game company. I think I have the ability to pass the course, but it takes me a very long time to study and resultingly leaves me very little time to study for my other classes. This makes it very difficult for me to keep up my GPA. I tend to only get "passing" grades in Math subjects regardless. Also, I have to attend full-time because of the requirements for the Financial Aid I need to have to pay for college. Computer Science majors need to attend both Calculus 1 and Calculus 2. The Computer Science Department in my college doesn't allow us to make our own custom degrees.
However, I do want to continue making games as a hobby. I want to be able to learn how to do fairly "fancy" things like create procedurally-generated worlds, and I want to have at least some ability to create AI for monsters and such.
My question is, knowing this, should I see if I can get a waiver for Calculus 1 and 2?